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2)<? verborum Jigmficatione. '.: being led funh of the ftabill,in the port,or in the beginning of his journey, fnappers or tallis with his maifter: The fuperftitious peopiil efteemed that to be ane evill prefage of the jenrny. CARRUCATA terra, *Anc French word, for charrau, is ane pleuch, aratrum, and conteinsalfmeiklean portion, ormcafureofLand, as may be tilled,and laboured within yeire and daie be ane pleuch. lib. i.e. Hid* terra, dos. 1 9 . Utherwaics in the famin place it is called hilda terns, vel hida ter- ra, quhili is ane worde ufed in the auld Briton Lawes. CARTA extenfa, ox extent*, AnechartourquhilA conte-inis ane difpofition of landes, with certaine meithes, and marches, utherwaics cal- led an boundand chartour, quon. attach, c.ftat. dominus rex. 62. aff. reg. Da. c. flat nit per confilium, 36. Stat. With. c. 7. C A (J PES, Calpes, in Galloway, and Carritt, quhairof mention is maid in the Aftes of Parliament. J«.4./>.2.c. 1 8. 19. fignifiesanegift.fikas horfe,or uther thing.quhilk an man in his awin lifetime, and liege pouftic gives to his Maifter, or to onie uther man, that is greareft in power and aurhoritie, andfpeciallieto theheadandchiefeoftheclann, for his main- tenance and protection, like as for the famin effeft and caufe findrie per- fones payis Black maill to thieves, or mainteners of thieves, contrair the lawes of this Realme. Bot in the lies and Hie-land of this Realme,the cal- pes are prefentlie payed be him quhaoblifhis him theirfore, after his de- ceafe. S wa the Hcreelde is payed be provifion of the Law:and the Calpe is given be fpeciall paftion, and obligatione, baith the ane and the uther after the deceafe of the debtour. Bot the Here^elde, fuld be fir ft payed to

  • he Lands-lord, and an notable opprcfllon is ufed in taking up of the

Caupe. For sit the chiefe of the clanne oblifhis him to pay ane Calpe : af- ter his deceafe, ane Calpe is payed for him. And alfoquhen onie of his clanne deceafis,ane calpe like waies is payed for ilk ane reafoun of the promes maid be their maifter and chiefe , Verinde acfiobligatiofa- Ba per princi pern tribus, abligaret fingulos ex tribti. CEPUM animalium, the taulch, creifche or fames ofbeaftes leg. burg, cfiquisfcienter.ji. CHAMPERT, ane bud, or gift, taken be onie greate man, or judge fra onie perfon, for delay of juft aftiones, er furthering of wrang- ous aftions.-quhidder it be landes or onie gudes moveable. Stat.z. Ro. Br. €.dominus Rex. 22. Champert in the lawes of England is quhen the judge be himfelte direftlie, or be onie uther indirect! ie, manteines the ob- teine the maintenance of the ane partie againft the uther, JohnRaftell,ver. Champert, Jn the civill hw,paclum de quota litis,% unlefum and forbidden I. 5. C. depoftuland l.ficontra 22. C , mandati. CHARDONES vel Cardones , Cardes quhairwith wol is carded andwrocht.leg.burg.c .de parva cuftuma 137. fra the French word, Chardon from Cardans ane thriffill, to the quhilk the Cardes are like in fcharpnes and in multitude, orfimilitudeofmoniefcharppykes, andteith. CHAUD-MELLE, in latine Rz'xa, ane hoat fuddaine tuilzie, or debaite, quhilk is opponed as ccntrar to forthoucht tellonic. Ja. 1 . p. 6. c. <)$.vid.Melietum,vid. Forhoucht fellonie. CHECKER, and the forme of Comptes maid theirin. w'<f. Scacca- tittm, vid. Ballivus. CLAN-MAKDUF dejudic.yS. The croce of Clanmakdu fdividis Stratherne fra Fife abone the Newburghjbefide Lundoris. The quhilk had priviledge and libertie of &'(■<£ ; in fik fort, that quhen onie man-flayer, being within the ninth degrie of'Kin and bluid toMak-duff, fumtime Earl of Fife, come to that croce, and gave 9.kie and an colpindach, he was free ottheflaughrercommitredbehim. Intheftanesofthis Croce, 1 fa w fin- drie barbarous wordes and verfes written, quhik here willinglie I preter- mit, and zit fum of them appearis to be con'rorme to this purpofe ; Troptermakgidrim C hoc oblatum, Recipe fmeleridemfuper lampade limpida labrv.m. King David the 2. gave and difponed the Earle-dome of Fife, with all priviledges C cum lege qua vacatur Clan-makdujf,to William Ramfay and his aires.quhilk charter is zit extant in the Regifter. HeBorBoetiuslib. 12. dedairis three priviledges given to Mdk-dttff,his clanne and familie, 1. that the Earle of Fife fuld fet up the King in his Chyre, the time of his Corona. ^ h T e - tion: the 2. that in thetimeofbattell, he fuld (edit the want-gard. The 3. that Mak- duff 'and his clanne fuld have the priviledge and richt of rega- litie. And I faw an auld evident bearand, that Spens ohi'ormeflounbeand of Mak-duffis Kinne, injoyed the benefit and immunitie of this Lawe, for the flauchter ofane called Kinnynmonth. CLAREMETHEN, Clarmathan, the Law of Claremethen con- cerns the warrandice offiollencattell, or gudes: for quhen fik audes are challenged, or repeated be the juft a wners theirof : It is ftatute and ordai- ned that all perfones, quha fuld warrand the famin, fall cum .to certaine places, fpeciallie nominal and appoynted to that effect, and lauchfullie warrand the famin. lib. i.e. htecfunt loca. 22. Stat. ~4lex. e.deCatal- lo. 1 2. CLARIFICATIO quo attach. c.(t qv.isappellatAG. The purging or clenging ofane afiife. affi.Reg.Ta. c.z.rlarificatio debiti, iheclearnes of ane debte, quhilk is notour and clear in the felte : Or clearlie, and fuffjei- entlie proven and verified, leg. Foreft. c. probata. 86. C LE P, and Call, ane forme of Claime.petition, orlibell, or certaine folemne wordes ufed fpeciallie in criminall caufes, for fum dames were conceaved fimplie, without onie fdemnitie of wordes, as in the brieve of diftres.orpoyndingfor debt. quon. attach. bnvibus 31. uther dames were libelled and conceaved in ane certaine folemne forme, as in pleyis of wrang and unlaw, in the quhilk clepe, and call, wasufedasane cer- tainef demnitie of wordes prefcrived be the law, and obferved in the prnftik.aswhenthe perfewerdid dep, and call, the. defender with wouth wVahg and unlaw, in harming and skairhing of him of file ane thing, or of fik ane fumme of filver ra'ai'r or leffe, to his great harme and skaith. COLPINDACH, an zoucg beaft,or Kew,of the age of an or twa zeires, quhilk now is called an Cowdach, or quoyach, quhairof the price was 30. d. leg. Ma. Ma. c. 4. It is an Injh word, and properly fignifies ane fut follower. COLL1STRIDIUM, Colliftrigium, quod collum flringat. fiuhilk maie be called the Joggs,and is ordaned for punifhment of aliquis. 21. quhairit is called an pillorie, orftocks, or onie band quhair- with the craig, or hals is bund,as an halfe-fang, in the laws of England, anno. 51. Henr. 3. in latin Numella. CONQUESTUS, quhairof frequent mention is made in the lawes and praftikof this Realme, is different from heretage. Becaufe heretage fig- nifies lands and immoveabil gudes, quhilk perteinis to onie perfon, as aire and univerfal fucxeflbur, to his father, or onie uther predeceflbur : and be the civill lawes hareditas nihil aliud eft quam fuceeffio in univerfum jus, regul.jur. I. nihil. 24. deverb. fignif. and be the municipall law of this realme, the eldeft funne fuccedis jure univerfali in univerfam bareditatempatris fui. lib. 2. c. cum quis.2<). Co«ijHe/?Kifignifieslandes,quhilk onie perfon acquiris and poffefhs^m;*- tojure, vel fingulari titulo, veluti donatione, vel fingulari aliquo contractu. lib.%.c. cum verb. 28. fiuhilk 4s conforme to the civill law, ubi quaftus di. citur lucrum, quod exemptione,Venditione,locatione,conduBione,vel genera- liter ex opera cujus defcendit. I. coiri.y. cumfeq.ff. pro Socio. Et de jure bujits regni,conqi'.eftus cujuflibet liberi hominis legitimi- quirmritur de ipfo. fafitus hareditarii,[ine harede de corpore fuo, gradatim afcendit : haredi. tas verb gradatim defcendit. Stat. Wilh. c. notandum. 24. leg. Burg. c. Sci- endum. i$f.Stat.Rob.3.c.3 . vid.poft-natus. And it is to be obferved, that gif conqucft landes, ai ter the deceafe of the conquerour, dois anis afcend, to ony perfon,quha theiraf ter happenis to deceafe,the famin landes fal de- fcend, as heretage to his ncareft aire, becaufe conqueft dois allanerlie anis afcend, and thereafter perpetualliedefcendis to the righteous aire, gif onie be : quia conqueftus dicitur ratione primi conqueftoris, C cum tranfmitti- tur ad ejus haredem, exuit naturam conqueftus- sp° inditit naturam haredi- tatis. CORONER, Crounerinquirsbe aneinqueft anent murtherand (laughter done, and committed quietlie. The quhilk inquifition fuld be taken in the hie ftreites, or in open places, in corona populi, for the quhilk caufe he is called coronator, or zit becaufe the violent death of the fubjedes perteins to the Kingis Crown, and power, flufrairanent the crouner takis inquifition, as faid is t>. Thomas Smith lib. 2. c. 23. of the common weill of England, Reade theEnglifh lawes anno. 4. Ediv4ZiL i.e. 2. CREFFERA, or hara porcorum, ane cruiie, oranefwinescruif. legl burg. c. Nonlicet. 87. quhilk in fum auld buikes is called ane Stye. CRO, Cioy,in the aftes of Parliament. Ja. i. p.6.c.9 3. isanefatisfac- tionoraffithment for flauchter of ony man, ThequhilAthe judge fuldl paie to the narreft of his kin, in cafe he minifter nocht the Law as he fuld doe. Ja.i.p.6.c.S9. CULRACH. fumtimes is called an furth comand borgh, but mair properly it maybe called an backborgh,or cautioner.forquhen ony havand power, or junfdictionreplegisony man fra an uther mans court, to his awin court,he fuld leii behindhim in the court,fra the quhilk the replegia- tion is maid, an pledge or cautioner quha falbe bundin and oblifbed, that hequhaufisthe replegiation, fall do jufticewithin zeire and daie in his awin court, to the partie complainand, upon the perfon quha is repleged. fiuhilk cautioner left in the court be him, and behind him quha ufis the replesiation,is called in alterius 20. quo. attach, c. 3. mod, ten, cur. c. 1 2. de fudic. c.28. And gif the partie complainand gettis nareafon in that court, to the quhilk, the defender is borrowed and re- pleged, he fall have regres againe to the firft court, isa the quhilk the re- plegiation was maid, and their fal! the mute, and pley be ended, and the Culrach falbe in ane unlaw, git the partie perfewed compeirs nocht, and he quha ufed the replegiation, and did nocht Juftice, fall tine his court for zeire and daie. CURIA, Anecourte, quhairof fum arefuperiourandfum inferi- our, leg. Male. Mak. c. 4. vide ^.'merciamentum. The fupreme court is the Parliament, quhilk hes jurifdiftion of all maters Ecckfiafticall, civill, and criminall. All courtesby and attour the ordinar perfones of the judge, the perfewer and the defender fuld have certaine uther pei fonts and mem- bers, quhilkis are called clavescuria, the keyes of the court, that isane lauchfull official- or fei jand, quha fuld fummond, attache and arreift the parties. Ane lauchfull Gierke quha fuld intorme the aiTife,and the demp- fter, and hcsthccureandkeipingoftheproces. Anefutourquha wardis and pronuncesthewaird, and interlocutour of the Court. Anedempfter ordoomefterquhagivesthedoomeorfentence definitive, conforme to the information of the Clerke or Judge. CURIA chriftianitatislib. 2. c. debet autem, 37. lib.t. c.placitum, 17, Is called the ecclefiafticall jurifdiftion or court . utherwaiesyiirMw ecclefi- afticum, lib. 1. c. 5. Curia Ghriflianitatis opponitur laicali feu faculari, lib. z.ccum aliquis S9.lib.}.c.preterea,23. For unto the ane perteinis the ec- clefiafticall, and to the uther the temporall or fecular jurifdiftion. CURIALITAS, curialitie, curtefie, from the French Curtoife, civilitie, gentleneffe, humanitie, for the law of curtefie, isangentilland favorable ordinance or conftitution, granted and obferved in this Realme, and nocht univerfallie keiped, or ufed in uther cuntries, And therefore it is called Curialitas Scotia, the curtefie of Scotland. And in the laws of England lex ^nglia, or the curtefie of England, within the quhilfc twarealmesandnaneutherthislawisinufe. That is quhen onie man marieslauchfullieane wife, and receivis landj; and heritage with her; Andit happen that he beget with her ane bairne, quha being borne, is heard cryand betuixt four walles of ane houfe : And thera-rer his wife deccafis before him, he fall brui£and poflefie, all the landes quhiUsper- teir.edtoher, in-duringhisliie-time, albeit the bairne live or deceafe. Lit.2.c. cxmitaque 58. The bairne borne,beingfonne,ordaughtcr,maill, er Nuraelliei Heritage