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T)e verborum Jignificatione. Tht finfing of court. The dtmpfier. Thefutcs. The affife Theperforts attached. Pledges for em res ofti- thirs. Excufe for non-com- peirance. Cfperfotis abfent or /«- gitive. The fourth totift. The fecond court. . iiel It is fuffielent that ony ane of them be prefent. And mair-over, the juftice may nocht make and conftitute deputes and fubftitutes under him, except he have fpeciall power in his commiffion, to do the famin. Lib. 4. c. fiunus. 27. Thirdly the judge fuld begin and fetrfe the court,conforme to the common ordour and confuetude vfed and obferved. la. 6, par. 1 i.e. 81. 2.uhilkfuldbedoneatelIeven houres before noone. Ja. 6. p. 1 1 . c.86. Fourthlie, the court beand affirmed, the dempfter fuid be called and caiifed to be fworne, that he fall leallie and trewlie, ufe and exerce his office. Fiftlie,the fuites fuld be called. Ia.6- p. li.c.Si.zitagaineasofbe- fore ilk man, twife with their lords and matters, and the abfents decerned to have failzied, and therefore fuld be unlawed , and gif baith the fuiter and his Maifter be abfent, ilkaneofthembethemfelves fuld be a- merciar. Sexrlie, the affifotiris being fummoned be ane precept direft be the ju- ftice to thateffeft, fuld be called, ilk perfone under the paine of fourtie punds,and the juftice may cheife affife ane or maa,as he pleads, of the beft and maift worthieof the cuntrie, before quhom ttffcaill accufation, rea- fonins, wrkres, witneffe,and uther piobation,an«(Pmic"tion quhat-fum- everot the crime, faibe reafoned and deduced in their prefence ; andalfo in the pretence of the partie accufed, in face of judgement. Ia.6.p. 1 i.e. 90. 91. And it is to wit, that he quha givis up dittay upon ane uther, fuld not paffe upon his affife. la-i.p. 3. c. 50. 7. The juftice fuld proceede in his court, and put the offenders, gif ony be alreadie in prifon, to the knawledge of ane affife ; and minifter juftice upon them, as they falbe found innocent, or culpable. lam. 6. p. 11. cap. 81; 8. He fall call thereafter the pledges,and cautioners of perfones attach- ed, quha faurid fovertie before the juftice ony time preceeding, at ony par- ticular diet, or court, to compeir the third day of the aire, or fooner, upon fifteene daies warning. la. 6. p. 1 1 . c 8 1 . 9. This being done, the clerke fall vifit and confidder the haill rolles, and jonrnell, and call all them quha av. abfent from the aires preceeding. - Upon quhais heades and names is written, prima dics,fecu)ida dies, urtia dies : Be the quhilk,he underftandis, fra quhat aire or court they were ab- fent. And that they may be therefore amerciat, ilk ane of them be rhem- felfe, bereafonoftheirabfence.' And gifthefaidis perfones, nocht com- peirand of before, now compeiris 8c ar prefent: The clerk fall luik the auld dittaies and rolles, and accufe them, conforme thereto, in the beft maner he may gudlie. And gif there be na particular poynt of dittay, or accufati- on ; he fall lay commoun dittay to their charge. 10. Thereafter the juftice fall call the perfones newliein-dited and ar- reiftedj And gif they or onie uther of the arreifted perfones forefaidis,com-

peirj they fuld be prefented to the court, and to the Schireffe, quha fuld

anfwer for them, untill juftice be done upon them. 1 1. They quha ar attached,and compeiris not, may na-waies be accufed for their nocht compeirance, bot be the Kingis fervice ; quhilk fuld be ve- rified be the ICingis letter, produced incourr: Or bereafonof feikneffe. fiiihilk be the auld lair, was rryed be ane affife, quhidderit wastrew, or feinzied : Albeit the partie wasabfent. Stat. 2. Rob. Br, c.5. Bot now it fuld be proven and verified be the JWinifter of the Paroch, within the quhilk the perfon excufed dwellis : And be twa witnes perfonallie com- fieirand in judgement. I.i.p.9.c.i 14. And concerning perfones abfent, it is generalise ordained, that everie barrone and free-halder, fall anfwerein the juftice aire, for his awin men, dwelland upon his a win proper landes, tackes, fteadinges, rowmes, and baronies, and falbe halden to enter them, or els anfwere to the King, for their unlawes. 1. 5. p. 3.c. 6. fijftiatis the unlaw in the juftice aire. vid. ^imerciamentium. . Bot for the better under- ftanding ofthelawes,concerning fugitives and abfentes : It is to wit, that be the auld lawes of this realme, gif the partie defender being lauchfullie warned, compeired not,bot fend ane efloinzie, or excufe ; the famin be- ing reafonable, was received and admitted to the judge, three findrie daies or courtes: And gifhe compeired after warde, and verified not hiseflbin- ziestohelauchfull, hewasdiftreinzied, and poynded therefore. Botgif he neither came, nor fend ane excafe : The partie perfewer compeared atlauchfulldayand time of court, and offered him reddie to perfew, quhilk he did be the fpace of three daies. And the third courte beand by- paft, the defender was fummoned to compeir the fourth day : The quhilk • fourth court was peremptour ; becaufe [entente definitive was given a- gainfthim, conform to the claim and petition, gif he compeired nocht. Lib.i.c. fummovitm.^. The like forme and ordour of proceffe was ob- ferved in juftice courtes. For mention is maid of the firft aire. la. 3. p. 13. c.94. And ofthc fecond aire. I.5.P.4.C. 3 2.And of the fourth court. I. 3 p. i4;Cioi. And gifony perfon indited, and lauchfullie attached,compeired not,thefaid three -courtes, his pledge or law borgh was called and amerci- at for the firft, fecond, and third court, and at ilk time after ilk ane of the faidis courtes, the faid pledge was poynded and diftreinzied . and the di- ftreffe or poynd was letten to borgh, and maid free under caution ; that the faid perfon indiftedrfuld compeir in the nixt aire following, to under- ly the law. And git he was ablent at the fourth court, the peremptour deome was given againft him,That fik ane man was in ane amerciament, and at the Kingis horn, and his I andes and all his gudes efcheit to the King, except he come within fourtie daies, and did bide the law : And rb'ereaf- terthecourtbeingended, the faid perfon was denunced rebel!;, and put to the home openlie at the mercat croce of the head burgh of the Schire. Cuhilk forme of proceffe, wasfalangand prolixt, that in mony zeires, parties hurt and. grieved, gat na juftice: And trefpalloures and crimes paffed unpunilhed : quhilk was the occa lion to mony perfones to commit crimes, truftingnahaftiepunition nor correction to follow. Therefore King lames the Fifth, ftatute and ordained, that the proces of juftice ' aire, and juftice courtes, fuld be peremptour at the fecond afire or court , fwa that fugitives not compeirand at the fecond aire orcourt, fuld be denunced the Kingis rebelles, and put to his home, and all theirgudes his efcheit. lam. 5. Pail. 4. Cap. 32. 12. Hereafter theLordesof regalitie may defire their men to be remit- ted to their awin juftice courte, andreplcge them, fchawand their com- miffiones.power, and payand therefore ; and leiva'nd ane caution behind them, called Culrach, quha falbe acted and oblifhed, in the juftice Court, that, juftice falbe done and miniftrat, in the court of the regalitie, to the partie compleinand upon the perfon repleged. 13. The juftice or his Clerkes, fall demand and fpeare at the Baillies of Burrowes, gif they be reddie to prefent ilk Burges within their Burgh, in- dited to the Kingis juftice aire: fi.uhilkis perfonfs fuld all enter perfonal- lie before the juftice, under thepaine ofane un-law and amerciament of court: quhais names the faids baillies fall put in writ, and deliver the fa- min to the juftice, or his clerkes. Andgifthev will borrow or replege their faidis nichtboures;they fall fchaw theirCommiffion,Scpaytherefore; 8c thereafter they fail draw,or oblige themfelves,rheirC6miffion,8cburgli in pledge : That thay perfones cjuhom they replegcand quhais names they give in write, falbe furrh.cummand, and anfwerable to the laws,and chal- lenge of the juftice. At the quhilk time, he and his deputes fall affigne to them ane cerraine day, to underlie thelaw, either in that aire, orthere- afier quhen he fall think fpeedmll. And at the famin time, it is leafum to the Kings juftice , fitrnnd in the principall burgh of the royaltie, to give ane affife to all the faidis burgeffes. repledged of their awinnichtboures, that beft knawis the veritie , dwelland in the fame burgh with them. And gif there be nocht ane fufficient number of the faid con-burgeffes : It falbe leifflill to choofe ane affife ofthe burgeffes of the faid head burgh, quhair the juftice and his deputes fittis,as he (all think expedient. la. 4. p. i.e. 1. 14. Gif the partie accufed compeirand, alleagistohis remiffion or refpet; he fall produce the famin in court, and fall finde ticker borrowes to affith and content the partie compleinand, within fourtie daies fol- lowing : Quhair-upon ane aft is maid in court , quhairby he and his cau- tioner, ar oblifhed to affith and fatisfie the partie, within the fpace fore- faid ; fiuhilk is called the afteof Adjournall. Andgifherefufistofinde ■caution, he fall remain in the Kingis prifon, quhillthe faid fourtie daies berunne, and then his remiffion falbe expired, andofnavaluc. 14.C.7 5. And in this cafe,quhen ony man takis him to his remiflion,refpet, orcompofition, in the juftice aire,or jufticecourt, and findis fovertie to affith the partie : It is leafum to the partie to call the faid fovertie befoce theLordesofCouncell, conforme to the aft of Adjournall, maid there- anent. Ia.5.p.3.c.7. As gifony man becummis fovertie forane uther, a- nent fpuilzre committed be him ; andforreftitutionorfatisfaftion to be maid be him therefore. He as fovertie may be called and conveened far the gudes fpuilzied. For the violent prices thereof, for the damnage, skaith, and intereftfufteined be the perfewer, throw the committing of the faid fpuilzie. 10. Marti]. 1 500. William Keith, contrair theEarle of Caithneffe. And the faid fovertie being condemned, hes gud aftion a> gainft the principall partie, forhisreliefe, be ane fimple charge, uponfex daies warning, without peremptour fummoundiS, or ordour of table, 1i.]ulij. y43. •15. Gif the perfon attached compeiris in the Courte, and beand accu- fed, hes na relevant exception, or reafonable defenfe ; of neceffitie he fuld paffe to the knawledge ofane affife, conforme to the Lawes of the Realme. At the quhilk time, the haill affifours fuld be called, and the ab- fentis amerciat. la. 6. p. 1 1. c. 76. And the partie accufed, fuld be heard to propone all and findrie, his lauchfull defenfes, againft the haill affifonres or ony ofthem, to repell them, as he may beft otthe law, and ffay them to paffe upon his affife. At this time the perfon compeirand and accufed, cu'mmisinthc will of the juftice, or heisclengedbeaneaflife, - or he is filed and convift. Gifhe fubmittis himfdfe, and curnmis in will ; It is leafum to the juftice, to draw him furth of the rolles, and to declare his will, and to charge him to pay ane compofition, or fik ane fumme of filver,ashepleafistomodifie. after the qualitie of the crime and perfon, for up-taking and in-bringing qiihairof, the juftice aire being ended, the juftice direftis his precept, called, Sr<£teptnm extraBm itineris juftitia- ri&, in this forme- Wilhelmus jtijlUidriM generalis, Ficeconiiti C Tallhisfuisde. E. fain- tern. Quia hi itinere-jiiflitiariee Domini nofiriregis, per nos trftntd tent, apud. F- decimo diemenfis. N. ^nno Domini C-c. Diverfi fuerunt amer- C'ati,- Cf pro fuisdetiBisconviBi, C in noffra voluntate pofiti. Qjiare vobispr<ecipi7»i<sC mandamus, quatenus de infra fcriptis perfonis fub- fcripta* fummas levari faciatis, w pro eifdem fecundum form am juris di. fivir.gatis. Et primd de N. fummttm Ct. De qnibufquidem fummk folvatis pro expenfr} nof/ris in di8o itinere fummam. N. Refi'duum verd di&arum fummarttm folvatis cojferariis Domini Noftri Regis : Vel cut vobis ajiigttabitur infra tempus legitimum, hoc efl infra quadragintd dies primv.m diem diBi itineris proximh or immediate fequen. Et hoc nulla modo omittatis. Quhen ony perfon is clenged be ane affife, the juftice direftis his Tefti- monUll, called Literateftimon'ialis de komine mundato per affifam, in manner following. Wilhelmus juflitiarius generalis, univerfis V Jfngulis ad quorum noti- tias pr.e femes liter* pervenerint, falut. Noveritis quod comparers coram nobis itinere juftitiarite Domini noftri Regis, tent. apud. F.decimo die menfis. N. anno Domini Ct. I. de. B. indiBatus. c per rotulos Regios calnmniatus, de arte c parte talis furti, vel talis rapine, vel iit- cpidij eye. di:amquidem calumniam diBus. I.infaciejudicijpenitusde- negavit. Et fuper hoc adrecognitionem affife utique fe fubmift. flute- quidem affifa hinc inde diligenter confulta, Et plentus avifata , diBum. I. a diBis calitmniis fibi impofitis, quittum declaravit, penitus ey immunem. it hoc omnibus quorum- hterefl , vel intereffe potent , notum facimus pe-r H^plcgUtioiti " l/t rctzjen of ' rejralitie. %ephgiatiou of burriwcij en>;[(tonesl or refpettet. •^ffofad- journatt. Perfones cummand in ■wilt. The precept oj extraSes. Terfones charged: