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  • Dc verborum Jignificatione.

Vrt. inche. Fate. Eln. Fall. fyd. Fall Imeall andfuperfi- tiall. Landimers, Length And Weidef ant fall. Tid<l kinds cfraid. ■ itl& prehcminence wah the fon or daughter of ane Thine , quha baith hes the like Mdrcbettt, vr. twa Kids, or twelve pennies, lib.+.c. fciendum , 6;. Andl:kewisetheCroofaneOjeofaneT/;<tBe,ScofanOri>;erBis four Kye. lib.-l-c ftatuit. 64. And the un-lawe quhilk the King may take fra anc Thane, is Tex Kye, and from anc Ochiern, fifteene fcheip, or fex fchiliings. ' -^j?. «£■ Drf. c. recordaiie. 17. ORA, ane auld ^axon worde- and fignifies mettall, fik asbrafle or guide: Andmairover, in auld times it was ane piece ofcunziedfilveror wolde. For tres org aure£, are the price of ane Cowe/<£.4.c. fciendum 65. From this comes the wordezit commonly ufed, Vrc, asleidUVe: and in the Garviach within the Schireff-dome of^eriicKe, there is ane hill cal- led Domiyndure„monticullus met'alli: and the fcheep there paftured, hes their teeth col loured withzellowecoulour, quhilk is ane taken of abun- dance of mettall. ORIGELLUM, quafiaurigellutn , ane Habergion, maid of mailzies Auhairof the edges are of mailzies of zellow coulor, refemblandthe coulourofgolde or brafTc..Sf<«-2-.Ro£.B..c. or&BdMB 27. quhair it is cal- cd Habergellum. vid. Hkxvbert-. OUT-FANG-THIEF, vid- lnfang-thief. PANNAGIUM Toreoritm, ane French worde, fignifies the deutie quhilk is given to the King, for the paftorage of Swine inhisFor- reftes, Leg-foreft. c.5 6.8. Ash is maniefeft in the lawes of England, inthe chartourof Forreftes, quhair Pannage, is called ane ccrrainefumme of filver, quhilk the awner of ane Parke, or of fome great wood, quhair-in there is great ftore and abundance of Made, Aik, Betche, or uther trees, ufistotakeofhistennentsoruthers, fortheirfwine, that fall feedthere, betuixt Michael-mes and Martine-mes* Item Vannagium, fignifies ane pairt of theKingis demaine, or propertie, given to his fecond, or uther zoun- ger fonne, or coufing, quhairot Chopinus writes, de damanio regis Franciae Jut hereof no mention is maid in the lawes of this itealme- PARTICATA,t;e/ berticata terr<eSi:om the French word perche, mei- kleufed in the Englifhlawes, aneruid of land. /eg. bv.rg.c-e.particata. Ho.flat.Wilh.c. particata. 1 3. quon. attach. e. de brevibus 3 1. It is of verity, that three beare cornes without tailes, fet tcgidderin length, makis ane inche Of the quhilk fulde be taken offthe mid rig,an off the fide of the rig, and an offthe furrow. Twelve inches makis anefute ofmea- fure : Three fute and ane inche, makis ane Elne : Sex elnes lang, makis ane Fall : quhilk is the common lincall meafure and mette. And fexe elnes lang, and fex elnes broad, maksan fquair & fuperficiall fall, ofmea- furedland. And it is to be underftand, that ane rod, ane raip, ane lineal fall of meafure, are all ane, and fignifies ane thing, for ilk ane of them conteinis fex elnes in length, albeit ane rod is aneftaffe, orgadeoftym- mer, quhairwith landismeafured,inIatine/>em'oi. Ane raip is maid of towe, (ik as hempt, or uther ftuffe, and fa meikle lande, as in meafuring falles under the rod, or raip, in length is called ane fall of meafure, or ane lineal] fall, becaufe it is the meafure of the line, and length allanerly. Likeas the fupei 'ficial fal is the meafure, baith of the lengh, 8c the bredth quia Unea eft menff.rafolius longitudims , fuperficies verb eft menfura longi- tv.dinis,eyUtitudinis. Item, ten falles in length, and foure in bredth, makis aneruid: four ruid makis ane aiker. Andfwa anc difcreet and true man, may meafure ilk aiker of land, lang or fchort, with rod or raip, be the meafure of the tall. Swa thathekeepe juft count, and gud remembr- ance, that the endes of the rod, or raip, be richtly and eaven laide, without fraude or guyle. But it is neceflare, that the meafurers of land, called landimers, in latin, agrimenfores, obferve and keep, ane juft relation, be- twixt the length 8c the breadth of the meafures, quhilk they ufe in meafur- ing of lands.quhairanent I finde na mention in the la wes Sc regifter of this realme, albeit ane ordinance thereanent be maid be King Edward the firft, King of England, the 33. zeirofhisreignetand becaufethe knawledge of this mater is very neceflare, in meafuring of lands, davly ufed in this re- alme. I thought gud to propone certaine queftiens, to John Xaper, fear of Merchiftoun, ane gentleman of lingular judgement and learning, fpecially in Mathematicque fciences, The tenour quhairof, and his anfweres maide thereto followis. Firft, be quhat rule fall we underftande the length and bredth of the fall? It is anfwered : There is twa fortes of falles, the ane lineall, the u- ther fuperficiall: the lineall fall, is ane met- wand, rod, or raip, of fex elnes lang, quhairbe, length and bredth, are feverally met. Ane fuperficiall fall of lande, is fa meikle boundis of landes, as fquairly conteinis ane lineall fall of bredth, and ane lineall fall of length, quhairof followis, that be the lineall rail, lande is meafured, and be the fuperficiall fall, lande is rekned. Nowe quhair itis inquired be quhat rule the length and bredth of ane fall fall be underftand. I anfwer.That quhen-foever the elnes of bredth being multiplied be the elnes of length, do produce 36. elnes: the num- ber product, isane fuperficiall fall: and the faide bredth and length, are the juft bredth and lengih that makis ane fall. Swa 36. elnes lang, ofane elne broad, are ane fall of land. Item,auchteeneelnslang,twa elnes broad, are the like : alfwa, twelve elnes lang, of three elnes broad, Or nine elnes lang of foure elnes broad, are ane fall. Laftly, fex elnes alwavis, that is to fay, fex elnes lang, and fex elnes broad, makis ane fall. To this fall the lit- tle ruid, or ruid of waike, or of buirdes, or ofmaifon.or sklait warke, is equal, quhilk is maift properly the ruid, as after followis. Secondly, how mony kindes of ruids are in ufe? Anfwer. Twa, quhair- of the ane is proper, the uther improper. The ruid properly is anc fuper- ficiall fall, and conteinis threttie fex fquair elnes: Ane fquair elne, being theboundes ofane elne in breadth, and ane elne in length, fquarely in- clufed. The uther vulgare and improper ruide of land, conteinis fourtie of thir former ruides , or fuperficiall faliis , and is the quarter of ane aiker of lande, becaufe foiae of thir ruides makis anc aikeras faide is. Thirdly, be quhat rule may the juft meafure of ane aiker in length and breadth be underftand? It is anfwered, Multiply be Arthmeticall multiplication, the number of the falles that are in the length of the land, Length mi be the number of tallisthatarein the bredth thereof: £verie aucht-fcore br ' ll ' h 'f*»i faliis of the number produced, and refulting of the faid multiplication, isane aiker: and therefore aucht-fcore faliis of length, and ane fall of bredth, makis ane aiker: and foure-fcore faliis of length, and twa faliis of bredth, makis ane aiker- Item fourtie faliis of length, and foure faliis in bredth makis ane aiker. Alfwa twemie faliis in length, and aucht faliis in bredth, makis ane aiker. Laftly, ten faliis in bredth, and fextene faliis in length makis ane aiker. Fourthly, feing there isane kinde, of meafuring of land be Rod, and raip: quhat is the forme thereof? And gif there be ony maa forms, how are they called ? and quhat is the forme and manner of the famin? It is an- The mmert fwered. There be knawin to expert Mathematiciens, mony and divers meafuring wayes to mette land, allagreand togidderinane, bot of the vulgar peo- l* n <l'->t"fi pie there is bot aneformeof metting ufed and underftand, to wit, be " r "t~ rod and raip, that is to fay, be ane rod or gade of fex elnes lang: Or be ane ftring or coard, of fex elnes lang, (tented betwixt twa ftaves. The coardc being ane fchaft length abonethe pykes, or nether endes of the ftaves. The faid rod or raip, or either of them, is called ane fall: to wit, the lineall fallforefaid. Withthefe faliis, ilke fquare piece of lande, is met over the middis, quhat falles and elnes it hes of length- and thereafter is met croce- overthemiddis, quhat faliis and elnes it hes of bredth. Thereafter the faliis and elnes of the length on the ane pairt, and the faliis and elnes of the breadth, on the uther pairt, are multiplied togidder, and theprodufte fchawis the number of the aikers, ruides, elnes, quhilk the faid piece of land conteinis. As for example, gif the piece of land be 51. fal, three elnis of'length.and 10. faliis 2. elnis of bredth: multiply 51- faliis 3. elnis. or 51 J faliis to be to.fallis 2. elnis: Or be 10 faliis ; The product will amount to 532^ faliis: Or 532.fallis,6. elnis: quhairof every aucht-fcore faliis, arane aiker.Swa 532. faliis 6. elnis, are three aiders and ane quarter, i2.fallis,Sc 6. elnis of met land. P ATRIA, ^tfiifa,velrecognitio per affifam, Ane Aflife or inqueft of cuntrie men, quhilk is called recognitio patriae . lib. 3.C cum mtem. 6. vid Bona patriae . PEDELLUS, Leg. hurg.c.citatie. i09.Theferjand or beddleof the ' burgh, quha fuld execute fummondes : make attachementes, or take poindes. quon-attach-c.nullus 57. quhairof they have na power, without their awin jurisdiction. .^7? reg. Da.c. nullus 13. Vicitur autem pedellus a pedohoc eft b*culo,becaufc all fik feijandes fuld ufe anc wand,ftaff,halbert. la. 1. p. 6.c. 99. PEDE- piilverofitsrMie French word, pied puldreux, duftie-fute, or an vagabound,ipeciallieane merchand,orcremar,quha hesna certaine dwel- tedder ling place,quhairthe duft may be dicht fra his feet,or fdione,deMaritag.c. ft quis.9, leg.burg.c fiburgenfis. i^i,dejudic.c. 47- To quhom Juftice fuld befummarlie miniftred, within three flowinges, and ebbings of the lea. Ane pedder, is called ane merchand, orcremar, quha beirsane pack, or creaine upon his bak, quha are called beirares of the puddill be the Scottef- men in the realme of Volonia, quhairof I faw ane great multitude in the town of Cracovia. anno Dom. 1 $69. PENSION, ane dewtie, fik as ane annuel-rent, forthatquhilk in the act of Parliament. Ia.2.p. 11. c. 41, Is called the penfion of Cadow: In the Checker rolles is called the annuel-rent of Cad^ow. Andfiklikin the P'*fiwf famin place mention is mad of the penfio of the ferme meil of Kirk patrik, c^yw- quhilk conteinis five chalder of ait-meill, quhilk the Abbot, and con- irTk k ventofPd^jpayiszeirliefurth of the kirk of Kirk-patrtk to theK. as j| an pairt of his annexed propertie, as is manifeft in the Schirefife rolles of the Checker of K. Ia.3-i487.lB libris feudorum,Soldata is an zeirly fiie gift 8c donation, induring the lifetime of the giver, 8cisfwa called,* folido, s,! <tau; quia pUrumqtieinfolidorum donatione confiftit. §. i.quisdicatur marchio. lib. 1. defeud. PLACITUM, From the French word, bidder, pley,contention, ftrife, or debate.Tlacitare,ftgnificat litigare c caufas agere. Molinteusinftil.fu- pu Je sefthc prem. cur. par. Van. i.c-6. part, z.c. ?.£tD- Smith. lib. zx. 10. Of the com- Crrwn. lnoun weil of England. Vid, Mote- Vlacita corona, plcyes, or criminall afti- ones perteining to the Kingis Crowne and jurifdiftion allanerlie, or to his juftice generall,quhilkisar foure innumber,robberie, orriefe: ravifhing or deforcing of weemen: murther,and wilfull fire, fik as burning of houfes wilfullie, and maliciouflie, vid. Murthrum. Quhairof, or of ony ane of them, gifony happenisto beeconvift, all his gudes perteinis to the King allanerly, in the famin manner,as is ftatute of the gudes of traitoures. Leg. Mai, Mak. cap.%. PLEG1US, ane pledge, borgh, or cautioner, dimittere terras ad pie- gium,To let landes to borgh, is quhen ony controverfie, being for the pof- feffion of landes; the famin after inquifition, and tryall taken there-anent given and committed to the laft lauchfull pofleflbur of the famin lands, under borgh and caution, that he fall reftore the famin to him, quha fall be found to have richt thereto. la. 2.p- 14.062. Or quhen twa perfones contendis be way ofdeedeand armes, for the poflefllon of ony landes; The fuperiour thereof, may recognofce, or take to himfelfe, the poflefllon of the lands, untillitbetryed, quha was laft lauchfull pofleflour thereof; And then let the lands to him to borgh, and under caution, as faid is. Stat. R0..3.C, Kota. 2 1, Item, the 12 No. ijoo. Certaine corns growand upon debatable lands, betuixt the L. Ruthven.znd the Laird o" Copemalindie, be decreit of the lordes, are lettin to borgh to the faid laird, he findand cauti- on that the famin falbefurth cummand to them, quha recoveris the fa- min be law, without prejudice of the richt of onie of the parties theira- ncntin time curaming. And likeas the over-lord, or judge for the caufes farefaid,