So Ane Embajfadour to the Duke of Burgundie. Commifjion anent an Embajfadour to he fent in England. Elleventh Parliament, xvm. of March. 1481. Anent weapon- fchawing. Agalnfi the rievcr Edward. The Kingis promife anent Juftice. The maner to rejfift the riever Edward. Of Currours and their horfes. For refljiing of the traitour James Dowglas. The up-halding o/Berwicke, and Garrifones on the Bordoures. Of wages contrair the favorers of James Dowglas. Ane Embajfadour to the King of France. Anent the indult granted to the Arch-Bi/bop of Saint- Andrewes. Thretteenth Parliament, iv. of Fcbruar. 1 48 5, Recovering <?/*Dumbar Caflel againft Alexander Duke of Albania The denying of remijfions and refpettes. Impetration of benefices the fege vac and. Ane Embajfadour to King Richard. Of the Fifh-girth. Ane Embajfadour to the Paipe , and his infirufiions . Of talloun and fait hides. Refttfe of remifjlons and refpettes. Of Juftice generalles to be maid. Embajfadour to the King of the Romaines. Of fijhing and making of h rring in the TVeft fea. Annexation of the Triorie of Coldingham to the Chaipel Royal I ' N ' ' I S. THE