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JAMAICA––No. 20 of 1867.

A Law to Reduce the Number of Parishes

[23rd April, 1867.]


WHEREAS some of the parishes in this island, as now existing, are much smaller, both in extent and population than the other parishes, and the equalization of the several parishes in extent and population, and their reduction in number, will tend to a better and more economical administration in the departments of justice, police, and revenue: And whereas it is expedient to alter the law regarding the circuits of the judges of the supreme court, in connection with such reduction in the number of parishes: It is enacted by the governor of Jamaica, with the advice and consent of the legislative council thereof, as follows :—

The island di-
vided into four-
teen Parishes

First— This island shall consist of fourteen parishes and no more; and the several parishes shall be constituted as follows:



1. The parishes of Saint Catherine, Saint Dorothy, and Saint John, forming the present precinct of Saint Catherine, and the parish of Saint Thomas in the Vale, shall constitute one parish, under the name of the parish of Saint Catherine, and the town of Saint Jago de la Vega shall be the parish town thereof.

2. The parishes of Saint Mary and Metcalfe shall constitute one parish, under the name of the parish of Saint Mary, and the town of Port Maria shall be the parish town thereof.

3.The parishes of Clarendon and Vere shall constitute one parish, under the name of the parish of Clarendon, and a place, to be fixed by the governor, near to Lime Savannah, shall be the head station thereof.

4.The parish of Saint Ann shall constitute one parish, and the town of Saint Ann’s Bay shall be the parish town thereof.