Page:The Laws of Jamaica 1867.pdf/136

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No. 20 of 1867.

To Reduce the Number of Parishes.

this island, as existing before the passing of this law, shall continue to collect and receive, under the powers of the several acts and laws o f this island, within the limits of the parishes to which they were appointed, the several taxes and duties until otherwise provided for by law.

Seventeenth— All process and proceedings pending in the now existing circuit and other courts shall be dealt with and determined in the courts of the several parishes respectively constituted under this law, in like manner as they would have been had such process or proceeding been commenced after the coming into operation hereof; and all persons bound by recognizance to give their attendance at the said circuit courts shall be required to attend at the respective courts hereby appointed to be held in lieu thereof, and the respective clerks of the peace shall give notice thereof accordingly.

Eighteenth— This law shall come into operation on the first day of May of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixtyseven.
