Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/106

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100 ^ LAWS OF THE STANNARIES • - onpainofaoi. [Q^d of the soil, his agent or toller, with the nek cknnot be'" day of such renewal, or shall refuse ta shew demanded to be ^he lofd of the soil, his agent or toller, the shewn, excqnon i i* • r ^i_ 'j i_ J the day of re- comers and limits ot the said bounds respec- dly of «^f tively, at the time he renews the same, upon may be demand, such request made as aforesaid, be shall for- •datanytime. ^^j^ ^j^^ g^^ ^f twenty bouuds, to be reco- vered by action in the court of the stannary, wherein the said bounds lie, to the use of the person or persons aggrieved thereby. Sect. 6. Owners Scct. 6. Whcrcas it frequently happens, thcir^Jam w^ that where there are several part owners of bring in their Qf [^ bouuds. and somc of the owners are Bicn> willing to work the said bounds, but are pre- vented from so doing, because others of the owners refuse either to adventure or set their shares, which is a great hardship upon the owners, who are willing to work the said bounds, and also upon the lord of the soiL In order to prevent such inconveniences, be it declared and enacted, that where there are several owners of tin bounds, such owners who upon reasonable warning given them, by such of the other owners, as have at least one half of the right and interest in thesaid bounds, shall not either set their parts to farm or bring in their men or money according to theii^ parts, within one month after the other part owners, or any person or persons claim- to be excluded ing under them, have begun to work their from the adven- t *^ , , i *^ . . r tureandbein- bouuds; such owucrs haviug such notice, tilled to form and rcfusiug to work as aforesaid, shall be excluded from setting the said bounds, or adventuring therein during the adventure so begun, and shall Lave only such farm in pro- portion to their share, as is the usual and ac- accustomed