Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/110

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t04 ^amei o/ per- sons bruiging black tin to be entered in a book; with the name of the mine; and» if leaving»>tin) the name of the stampi^g-4nill, the quantity re- ceivedt and the dayof the month. Book to be in- spected! paying sixpence. No tin stuff to be removed in the nighttime. 1?unishmcnt of ofienders. LAWS OF THE STANNARIES sons convicted tbcroof by due course of kwr, diall forfeit double the value of the tin so bought ; one moiety thereof to the use of thft King, or the Duke of Cornwall for the time being, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the person injured thereby. And in order to render the discovery of such perni- cious practices more easy. Be it enacted that every smelter and blower, shall enter on the smelting-house or blowing-house book, where black tin shall be brought, the names of the persons so bringing the said tin, the name like- wise of the mine where the said tin was risen^ and if leavings-tin the name of the stamping mill from whence the said leavings-tin were brought, and the quantity of the black tin so received, and also the day of the month the said tin was received, which book shall be free for any person to inspect at all season- able hours, paying sixpence for each time; and in order further to prevent such prac- tices. It is hereby declared and enacted, that no tin stuff or black tin shall be removed in the night time, and if any person shall be found remoWng any tin stuff, or black tin contrary to the true intent and meaning of this law, and any person gives information thereof, and upon such information, the per- son or persons, so removing as aforesaid, is of are or convicted of the said offence by due course of law, he or they shall fcwfeit double thevalue of the tin stufForblack tinso removed, pne half thereof to the use of the King, or Lord Duke of Cornwall, and the other half thereof to the use of the informen And be it further declared and enacted, that whoever shall sell blaek tin or tin stuff othfrwise than openly as