Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/115

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OF CORNWALL. 109 ■> ' •, of the said charter, as appears by the exposi- tion thereof in parliament. Be it therefore declared and enacted, that no person shall under any pretence whatsoever, spoil or di- vert any pot waters running to any man's house for dressing of meat, or for the service of his family, nor divert any water from any , ancient mill. And whoever is guilty of such offence, shall forfeit and pay such damages as the owner of the house or mill has re- ceived thereby, to be recovered by action in the court of the stannary wherein the offence is committed. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons shall disturb or. spoil any running water out of malice, and be convicted thereof, by indictment at ^^^^^j^ the law-court, he shall forfeit the sum of pounds, five pounds to the use of the King, or Lord Duke of Cornwall. 13. Item. Whereas great prejudice hath *3- streamers, .arisen to the rivers, and likewise to the lands adjoining to, or below, stream works, by the streamers working their stream works, and letting the gravel or rubble digged by them in their searching for finding and working their tin, either fall into the rivers, or be washed upon the land adjoining to, or below them. In order to remedy such inconveni- ence. Be it declared and enacted, that where ^ any moors, meadows, or pasture ground shall be overflown by streamers suffering their stones, rubble, and gravel to fall into rivers, if such streamer, or streamers, shall not upon two days' notice ff i ven to him or them, clear the ?" ^^f^y** »•- . •/ o ^ ticc not clearing said river, so as to prevent such moors, mea- rivers so as to dows, and pasture ground form being over^ S^^'aT O flown, pasture ground