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Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/123

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OP CbRNA^Att. plublic crier of the said coinage town in the kreet there, that they intend to adjourn the coinage from tbe said town iri the^ evening of the said day, so that the tinners, and all other persons concerned may have notice thereof. In confirmation whereof, ^he Vice- Warden (being duly an^orised thereunto) hath here- unto set his hand and seal of the stannaries ; and the said convopators now in convocation assembled their respective hands at%!rrur% the thirteenth day of September, in the tvvetity-seventh year of His said Majesty'si rei;:[n. > • ■ ■ » Signed by the Vice- Warden' and Convo- c^lors. Locus Sigillij At the convocation of four and twenty stannators or parliament of tinners assembled for the stannaries of Cornwall, held at Truro in the said county of Cornwall,^the sixteenth day of September, in the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Ann, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &CC. before the Right Honourable John Lord Granville, Lord- Warden of the Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall', Lieutfenant-General of Her Ma- Jetty's Ordnance, and one of the Lords of Her Majesty's most Hdnioufahle Privy Coun- cil, by virtue of Her Majesty's most gracious .jgoiiimissibn ' under the privy se^l to his said P . Lordship' Convocation 2. Ann. v; c-«e-