stream works, within the said counties of Devon and Cornwall nigh to any of the said fresh waters, rivers, or low places descending or having course unto the said havens or ports or any of them, nor shall labour, dig or wash any tin in any of the said tin works called stream works, unless the said digger owner or washer shall make or cause to be made sufficient hatches and ties in the end of the buddies and cords, and therein put and lay or cause to be put and laid all the sand, stones, gravel, and robel digged about the ensearching, finding and washing of the said tin, there to be wholly and surely kept by the said hatches and ties, out of and front the said fresh rivers and watercourses or any of them; so that the said sand, stones, gravel and robel nor any part thereof be for lack of such hatches or ties conveyed into the said ports and havens or any of them, upon pain to forfeit for any time that any owner or tinner shall dig or wash or cause to be digged or washed any tin contrary to the form aforesaid ten pounds, half to the King and the other half to any of the inhabitants of the said ports that will sue for the same in any of the King's courts by original writ, bill, plaint, information or otherwise.
27 Henry Fill. c. 23.
"For the preservation of the havens in Devon and Cornwall."
27 Hen. VIII. c. 23.
Reciting the act of 23 Henrv VIII. c. 8. "And that since the making of that statute the inhabitants of the said ports, &c.have