Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/133

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Fees beloning to the Vice Warden.
For a warrant or other process under the Dutchy seal 0 6
For a mandate, supersedeas or liberate, or warrant of contempt, for each 2 6
For an order, and keeping record, each 1 0
For a precept to call witnesses of what number soever 0 6
For writing a deposition, and keeping record 0 4
For a sequestration and all other such writs 2 6
Fees belonging to his Clerk.
For making a bond 0 6
For a copy of an order, each party 1 0
For drawing a petition 1 0
For a copy of depositions 0 4
Fees belonging to the Bailiff
For pasture of one sheep, weekly 0 2
The pasture of one bullock 0 8
The pasture of one horse 0 1
If the kine be milked, but 0 2
If the horse be laboured nil.
Fees belonging to the Keeper.
For delivering a prisoner on original process 0 6
Upon judicial process 1 0
Receiving and recording a mandate 0 6
For a contempt committed in face of court upon a misdemeanor 0 4
For a warrant of contempt 0 8
For a duces tecum received 0 4
For a return in court thereof 0 4
For bringing a prisoner forth to court, and back each of them by the mile 0 2
For a copy of a warrant 0 4
For goal fees for all actions that are against him 3 4
For bedding, if he have it of the keeper, arbitrary
For guise fees,if he deserve it 0 4
For diet at the keeper's finding, every day 0 6
If at the keeper's table, arbitrary .
Fora briefcopy of the petty writ 0 2
For such writs as issue out of His Majesty's court at Westminster, and liable in the stannary courts, such fees as are ac-

customed; or upon complaint, as the Vice-Warden order