Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/137

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IJVBEX. A. ADIT^ not to be brought through several, nor waier tb be avoided through another man's adit, without leave • • • 50 Adventurer may bring in his own goods .... 62 xiot managing his own work, is to leave the name of his agent 63 selling, to give notice of the purchaser ibid Appeals to be to the stewards and so upwards ,. 33 not to be received by the stewards before verdict ibid within what time to be heard, &c. ... 34 decrees upon, not to be deferred . . . ibid Ashes, Tin, not to be sold to any* plumber or pe^terer IQ penalty 43 Attorniesj appearing without order, penalty upon 6T , - - to deliver their bills in English fairly written Jf B. Bail. — See practice Barrister J or sworn attorney, only to plead, &c. . 76 Blackmore, the ty thing men of 78 Blowers^ names to be certified, on penalty of 40s. l6 to be sworn ^4 . . . . 17 names of, to be exhibited ^ 39 » oath of 40 X • - - - to bring into court certificate of tin blown ibid