Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/17

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  1. PAGE
  2. 10To prevent removing tin by night103
  3. 11For the better payment of costs105
  4. 12To prevent streamers from diverting water from houses or mills108
  5. 13Against streamers suffering rubble to fall into rivers, &c. and not cleaning such rivers, &c. on notice109
  6. 14For the more effectual working of mines110
  7. 15Against tinners privately defrauding their partners, &c.ibid
  8. 16For the better preservation of the records,&c, of the Stannary courts, &c.111
  9. 17To prevent partiality in delivery of white tin114
  10. 18Prisoners to be charged with declaration115
  11. 19To regulate the time for coining tin at Penzance116
  12. Convocation, 2 Annæ Reg.117
  13. Appendix122 Index