Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/23

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3. Blowers to be sworn 3. We appoint and ordain, that every such blower shall at the same court, each blower for himself respectively, be sworn not to make any falsified tin, by way of artificial mixture whatsoever, viz. by mixing it with baser metal than tin, and to deal justly with every man as near as they can, and to bring into the court twice yearly, a true note in Writing, signed with the signs of the owners of the blowing-houses, or some of them, or their deputy, certifying the just number of pieces, slabs, or spoonfuls of tin above a pound weight, which have been blown from the first of May unto the fifteenth day of October inclusive. The second certificate to contain all tin blown from the fifteenth of October to the last day of April inclusive yearly, together with the names of the men for whom the said tin hath been blown, upon pain of forfeiture to the Lord-Prince, for every default therein, five pounds. And that the owners of every blowing-house shall sign the said blower's certificate being required thereunto, upon payment of the like forfeiture. Provided, if any new blower be admitted or permitted into service of any blowing-house, that then the said blower be sworn as aforesaid, at the next court, after the house do leave work, upon pain of forfeiting five pounds.

4. no tin uncoined to be carried from the blowing-house; but to the coinage

4. Now we do appoint, that no white tin uncoined, shall be earned from any blowing-house, directly, or indirectly, but only to the coinage-halls, or houses, upon pain of forfeiture thereof. But if any tin remain blown and uncoined after the time of any coinage,
