Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/26

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the officers and principal tinners of each stannary.

9. Trial by jury for tin tared. 9. We find that if any of the tin be tared, wherein the owner of the tin thinketh himself aggrieved, he shall have his trial by a jury of tinners, if he requireth the same; and if the tin so tared, prove defective to the full value assessed by the inquisition, the owner of that tin shall pay the cost of that jury, and make abatements to the agents, according to the defects of the tin; but if the tin be not found faulty to the value assessed by the tarer, then the person or persons that so take upon him or them to assess such tare upon the tin for the tinner, shall pay the cost of the jury, and damage to be levied by fieri facias from the steward of the stannary where the tin is so tared.

10.Penalty on making cased or falsified tin.

We find and agree, that if any man make any cased tm, viz. do hide worse mater than tin within his or their blocks of tin, which the tarer by his outward essay with his chizel cannot come by, or assay for his trial, The owner of the said blocks, if he be any way privy or consenting thereunto, having his mark, house-mark, and number returned into the country, and so tried by a jury of tinners in the same stannary-court where it was coined, shall forfeit for his offence the whole tin to the Lord-Prince, and five pounds to the buyer of the said tin, and the maker or blower of the said tin shall forfeit for his offence therein five pounds, and be imprisoned the space of one whole year without bail or mainprize. But if the block of tin
