Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/30

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the said work, with the bounds and limits of the said pitch, otherwise the said pitch to be deemed void.

18. Day of renewing let slip; if renewed before a new pitch, to be a good renewing. 18. We find, when bounds are kept by renewing according to the custom, and the keeper shall carelessly let slip his day of renewing, and shall afterwards come again, and renew the old corners, before any other tinner shall cut a new pitch upon them, that such renewing shall be taken for a good renewing against any other pitch.

19. Partners and owners how to work. 19. We find, that where there are many partners in a tin work, such owners as, on warning given, shall not set their parts to farm, or bring in their men or money according to their parts, in one month after warning given them, and pay the cost and spale for that month, shall be excluded from entering into the said work, or adventuring therein during the said adventure, and shall be contented with such farm as the work is set for by the rest; and in case all the rest work in their own right, the farm shall be rated and assessed by three indifferent tinners, to be chosen one by the workers, one by the owners not working, and one by the steward of the stannary-court within which the work is; and in such case upon non-entry upon warning, the set made by most part of the owners, shall be good and available against the other copartners.

20. Penalty on steward, &c. becoming owner of any tin work in variance.

20. We find neither steward, bailiff, attorney, lawyer, or any other officer, or practitioner in the stannary-courts, nor their