Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/35

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head bailiffs of every court respectively, shall take such fees, and no other, that are set down in a schedule hereunder written, upon pain of forfeiture, for every such taking contrary to this act, forty shillings, the one half to the party grieved, and the dther half to the Lord-Prince.

28. Executions to stand good a year and a day.

28. We find, and according to our ancient customs do agree, that all executions issuing out of the stannary-court shall stand good and continue without renewing for one whole year and a day.

29. Original process not to be erased.

2Q. We do order and agree, that no original process shall be held good or lawful, erased, that shall have any raizure in any material point, except in the date only, and for that one penny shall be paid to the steward for new dating thereof, and no more;

How to be returned &c. and that all bailiffs make due return of all the warrants that shall come to their hands, the next court afier the service thereof, and at the same court from whence it issued, except the plaintiff and defendant do agree before the return; and that the head bailiff of every stannary do keep all such warrants on a file, to be shewed at all times, as shall be so returned to them, upon pain of forfeiture of twenty shillings.

30. Head bailiff to be sworn, &c.

30. Forasmuch as the head bailiff of every 3 Stannary is a public officer, and of great trust, and ought to be responsible to answer all escapes, and executions received, and money deposited, that shall come to his hands, it is requisite he should be publicly known to all
