Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/38

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ment of any prisoner on execution, without the consent of the plaintiff, that he make good so much as shall be judicially ordered within three weeks following next after such order, and we utterly deny and dislike taking of bonds to the plaintiff's use upon granting a liberate.

36. Only four names in one warrant, unless more defendants in the action.

36. We find and agree, that there be but four defendants names inserted in one war- rrant, unless more than four defendants be joined in the same action, provided that all such warrants be returned to be filed by the head bailiff, except such as come to the keeper's hands, and they to be kept on a file by him according to the twenty-ninth article.

37; Appearance to be in person or by attorney; and, if by attorney to appear to all actions.

37. We agree that there be personal ap- pearancw upon an arrwst, except by mandate from the Vice Warden upon apparent sug- gestion, and that upon appearance by attor- ney, the attorney shall appear to all actions ; but if any be charged in face of court to appear, he shall give security to answer the action at discretion of the steward, and then to have three courts to answer.

38. Fines, &c. to be affected.

30.We agree that no fines, issues, amer- ciaments, and profits of the stannary-court, payable to the audit, be gathered by the bailiffs before the estreats be affeered by four of the most substantial customers and suffi- cient affeerers, with the Vice-Warden's hand and seal of the dutchy thereto, upon pain of five pounds, the one half to the Prince, and the other half to the common treasury of the stannaries.

39. We