Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/45

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OF CORNWAI4L. 3^ and withal preserving the four comer boun(|^^ so as they be seen or sufficiently proved, if they, or any of them shall be newly or casu- ally or maliciously defaced, so long the said owner shall not lose his bounds for default of renewing. 5 . We present and affirm, that by ourancient 5; who are pn- custom the spalliard working with pick and ByTat^TeSr. shovel, the the water-man, the boll or barrow- i^c^s-^f must man, the dresser, the blower, and all other tianenn ^ugc, tinner-labourers and workmen, that necessa- j||^i^» or *»*«• rily attend getting the tin, or the dressing, , blowing, or whitening it, so long as they continue their working without fraud, are properly called privileged tinners, and are not to sue, or be sued out of the stannary-courts, saving in case of life, land, or limb. And we farther present and affirm, that all the said former privileged tinners if they shall discon- tinue their working about tin and tin-works, and also all the officers and ministers of bo^b courts, the affeerers, the owners of tin-worl J in wastrel or several, the adventurers in tin-, works, the buyers of black or white tin, and generally all others that intermeddle with tin, are called tinners at large, and have also the liberty, privilege, and benefit to sue and may be sued in the stannary-courts for matters there determinable, and may also sue and- be su^d at the, common law, at the pleasure of the plaintiff^. ,6, We agree, constitute, and ordain that ^j^^^^^J^ the owners of blowing-houses, or their depu- ezbibited. ties^ or any of them, shall once yearly be- tween the end of March and Midsummer, £ 2 exhibit