Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/47

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OF CORNWALL* 41 second certificate to contain all the tin blown from the sixteenth day of October to the last day of April inclusive, which several certifi- cates shall be exhibited at the next court after the house shall leave off. And if any blower shall work in any blowing-house before he shall be sworn, or shall not make certificate in the court of the tin by them blown as aforesaid, they shall forfeit for every default herein, forty shillings. And we also agree, constitute and ordain that the owners of the blojving-houses, or one of them, or their deputies, that have the charge of the said house, shall sign the said blower's certi- ficate, the same being tendered unto them, or one of them, and they thereunto required, and that they shall not admit any blower to work in their houses, before he shall be sworn and his oath certified as aforesaid, under the pain of twenty shillings for every default herein. 0. We present and aflirm, that whatsoever 9- Tin ms^iobc V • • i_ 1 1 1 • 1 /» 11 • carried bat noQi white tin shall be carried from any blowing- wowmg house » house, directly or indirectly, otherwise than thltTu^^nS to the coinage-town there to be coined, or tin tl) be forfeited shall be conveyed uncoined, yhereby the Prince is defrauded of coinage-custom, such tin is forfeited by the express words of the charter; but we agree, constitute, and or- dain, that if any tin shall remain blown and uncoined in any blowing-house after the last day of the coinage respectively, that the owner thereof shall and may keep the same in his custody where he shall please, so as he duly certify the same upon the end of the coinage unto the agents of the farmers of the preemption.