Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/53

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O^ CORNWALL. 47 legally convicted by verdict, shall forfeit and incur the penalty of twenty pounds, the one half to the Lord-Prince, and the other half to the party or parties grieved. .20. We agree, constitute, and ordain that ao.Thc measure for uniformity of measure, all black tin, that vidTstat. n of shall be sold to be delivered by measuse, shall Henry vii. con. - J, 111"' 111 ccrnmg weights be measured and packed by a seal-gallon, and measures, in virhich shall contain six wine quarts Win- and^^eTuw^f Chester, and shall be hooped and bound with tinareeaccpted. iron, and afFeered before the sealing thereof, before two sufficient tinners upon theii' oaths to be returned by the head bailiff, whereof one to be a buyer of black tin or owner of a blowing-house, and the other shall be a seller of black tin ; and that every blowing-house shall have a gallon so sealed for the satisfac- tion of their customers, in point of proof in the fire ; and that whosoever shall buy or sell Biowing-fious«  • 1 .!_ • .1. V to have a^allom tm by measure, otherwise than by a measure sealed. so sealed and afFeered, shall forfeit ten shil- lings for every such offence. 21. We present, and affirm our ancient fi. Black tmto

  • * • , , be bought opcn-

custom to be, that no man ought to buy or ly. sce 24ih ar- receive any black tin, otherwise than openly tjc^c of convoca. -•'^ 11 1 tion 2a James L at a wash from the sheet, nor to buy or i6art.ofconvo- receive any tin stuff, or the leavings of blow-^^'"^°*°^^^"" ing-houses, from any suspicious person that ticieofconvoca. is not known to be an adventurer for tin, or 'io^*^^«»"' a worker of white tin, or owner in a blow- ing-house; and for reformation hereof, Wc agree, constitute and, ordain that whosoever shall otherwise buy or receive agy black tin, than openly at a wash, or before two suffi-

cient witnesses, or shall buy or receive any

F 2 tin