Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/62

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5© LAWS OF THE STANNARIES man of the grand jury at the tjnie of his election, or to two eligends for the grand jury, to make a just and true account of all such sum and sums of money as shall come to his hands by virtue of his office, and duly to pay over to the next succeeding receiver the remnant that shall be due by him upon the foot of his account, the said new receiver signing a note indented of the receipt thereof for the discharge of his predecessor; and the said receiver shall likewise sign notes of re- ceipt indented to the head bailiff, or any other person of whom he shall receive any money to the use of the common stock. All which said several laws, customs, and constitutions, are hereby declared to be far- ther ratified, established, and confirmed, so far as they are unexpired, and not repugnant to any act of parliament, or to any act or constitution made in the convocations held in the reign of King James the second, or in this present convocation. The several lawi And whcrcas at the convocation of four ^tajMnesii! ?^^d twenty stannators or parliament of tin- ners assembled for the stannaries of Com-

  • • wall held at Lostwy thiel, in the said county

of Cornwall, the twenty-sixth day of Octo- ber, in the second year of the reign of King James the Second ; and continued by several adjournments and prorogations to the elev- enth day of October, in the fourth year, of his said Majesty's reign, before the Right Hon. John Earl of Bath, Lord- Warden of the Stannaries of Cornwall and Devon, by virtue of His Majesty's commission under the privy seal fci::.' .