Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/74

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68 to. Hamea- nires to be vienr- ed at Michael - nut law-court. ► LAWS OF THE STANNARIES goods^ and for default of goods to be impri- soned at Lostwythiel, until the fine or for- feiture be paid. 10. Item. We do agree, constitute, and ordain that every tin measure within the re- spective stannaries shall be brought at every law-day at Michaelmas, to be viewed by the twelve sworn according to the custom, which if neglected to be done, the owner of the said measure shall not sell or buy any tin by the said measure, and if he do, and thereof be convicted after presentment, he shall make fine as is already provided by the ancient laws of the stannaries. 1 1. Pin & beam n^ Item. We do agree, constitute, and to be rectified i . i i • • i i 11 be.orc Michael- ordam that the pm m the beams and scales yiwr*""** in each respective coinage town within the stannaries of Cornwall shall be rectified three days before Michaelmas coinage next, and at every Michaelmas coinage yearly, the same to be done by the poiser and comp- troller at the Duke*s or King's charges. jz. Coinage pound to be 16 ounces avoirdu- pois* 12. Item. We agree, constitute, and or- dain that all such weights as have been ap- pertaining to the coinage of tin, and have been used and accustomed before this time to be used, ordered, and rectified from time to time, according to the exception made in the statute made in the eleventh year of King Henry the Seventh touching weights and measures. And we further order and appoint that one pound weight consisting of sixteen ounces avoirdupois shall be had and made use of, when and as often as occasion shall be