Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/90

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94 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES " knowledge and belief, so help you God.'* Which oath the said steward of the said court respectively is hereby required to ad- Ptenahyonbiow- minister without fee or reward. And if any crortmdter g^j^^jj principal blowcr or smelter shall work ingswem,ornot uot bcmg swom, or Shall uot onug in such w^g in cer. certificate in manner aforesaid, he shall forfeit for every default, the sum of forty pounds. Ownento certify And it is likcwisc further declared and en- ^rws'l^ acted, that every owner or owners of every «^«J» blowing-house or smelting-house, shall ex- hibit into the stannary-court, in which his or their blowing-house or smelting-house re* spectively stands, the name or names of the principal blower or smelter retained by him or thfem. And if any owner or owners of any such blowing-house or smelting-house, shall admit any^ such principal blower or smelter to work in his or their said house or • houses, before he or they hath or have exhi- bited the name of jsuch principal blower or smelter into the stannary-court as aforesaid, before such principal blower or smelter is sworn in manner aforesaid ; such owner or owners shall forfeit the sum. of fifty pounds, which said serveral penalties of v forty and Penaities,howto fifty pouuds shall bc sucd for, and recovered be recovered. i ^ V . . . , ^ 7 by mformation or action in the court of the stannary, within which such blowing-house or smelting-house stands, by any person su- ing for the same, one moiety thereof to the use of the King, or Lord Prince Duke of Cornwall, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the person suing for the same; provided always that no penalty shall be recovered by virtue of this act, unless such information or action shall be commenced within under pain of fifty pounds. Limitation of tction.