Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/93

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OF CORNWALL, 87 value of the tin so bought and sold, and con- veyed 4way uncoined; and all and every person or persons who shall be found acces- sary, aiding and abetting thereto, being duly convicted thereof as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the King, or Lord Duke of Cornwall the sum of five pounds ; provided ^»«»^^<« ^^ always and nevertheless that such informa- tion or action shall be exhibited or com- menced within six months after such offence is committed. , 3. Item. It is hereby declared and enacted ^ ^i "a b^ a^i** that if any tin be tared, whereby the owner ifrcquir<5V" of the tin thinks himself aggrieved, he shall have his trial by a jury of tinners ; if he re- quireth the same. And if the tin so tared, ^^'^ >"<^ ¥^^ prove faulty to the value assessed by the tarer, ^^ "^^^^^ *^ or at least two thirds thereof, the owner of that tin shall pay the cost of the suit ; but if the tin be not found faulty to at least two thirds of the value assessed by the tarer, then the tarer shall pay such costs and damages to the owner of the tin, as he shall be found to have sustained thereby. And if the assay- Action against master, or his deputy, shall suffer any tin to Sg blS "n"* pass untared, which is so base that it ought ?*»• to be tared, whereby the commodity may be depreciated, then, and in such case, the assay-master shall be liable to pay damages to such person as is aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by action in the court of that stan- nary wherein such tin was coined. • 4. Item. Whereas the falsification of tin ^-Pfnaityon y ... . . 1* . malcing falsinc4 may be very mjunous to the tmners and tm or cased un. trade ; be it therefore declared and enacted^ L 2 that