Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/98

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03 PcnaltjoiiolK. Mrncdoo* linitatiOD of action. LAWS OF THE STAICNARIBS And if any person or persons shall prevent or obstruct the said supervisors or any of them therein, such person or perso^is so of- fending, shall forfeit the sum c£ fifty pounds^ to be recovered as aforesaid; and all such weights, scales, and beams as shall be found defective, shall be broke; provided always nevertheless that such information or action shall be exhibited or commenced within six months after such offence is committed. f. Beuiis» scales J. Item. Whercas by the ancient laws liftJ^^yttrij! ^ *® stannaries, the beams, scal», and weights, at every coinage town, were to be rectified three days before Michaelmas coin- age yearly at the charges of the King, or Lord Ehike of Cornwall, and that the steward and comptroller shall rectify the siud weights yearly the day on which Michaelmas coinage begins in every coinage town respectively between the hours often and twelve in the forenoon, or oftener, if necessary, in the presence of some and such tinners as are Ptaiaityonomb- willing to be present to view the same; and

  • ^' if the steward and comptroller omii^ so to do,

he or they shall forfeit for every such offence respectively the sum of five pounds, to be recovered by plaint or information in the' stannary-court, to the use of the person su- 'h^^^^h^ ing for the same. And that the weights may ^rccdw gc- be more easily rectified, it is hereby enacted and declared, that brass stannary-standard weights of two hundred, one hundred, half a hundred, thirty-two pounds, twenty-four pounds,* sixteen pounds, eight pounds, four pounds, two pounds, and one pound be pro* - Tided by the receiver general ca the duchy of Cornwall Btnd.