Page:The Lay of the Last Minstrel - Scott (1805).djvu/106

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It bore his wife and children twain;
A half-clothed serf[1] was all their train:
His wife, stout, ruddy, and dark-browed,
Of silver brooch and bracelet proud,
Laughed to her friends among the crowd.
He was of stature passing tall,
But sparely formed, and lean withal;
A battered marion on his brow;
A leather jack, as fence enow,
On his broad shoulders loosely hung;
A border-axe behind was slung;
His spear, six Scottish ells in length,
Seemed newly dyed with gore
His shafts and bow, of wondrous strength,
His hardy partner bore.

Thus to the Ladye did Tinlinn shew
The tidings of the English foe—
"Belted Will Howard is marching here,
And hot Lord Dacre, with many a spear,

  1. Bonds-man.