Page:The Lay of the Last Minstrel - Scott (1805).djvu/114

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And martial murmurs, from below,
Proclaimed the approaching southern foe.
Through the dark wood, in mingled tone,
Were border-pipes and bugles blown;
The coursers neighing he could ken,
A measured tread of marching men;
While broke at times the solemn hum,
The Almayn's sullen kettle-drum;
And banners tall, of crimson sheen
  Above the copse appear;
And, glistening through the hawthorns green,
  Shine helm, and shield, and spear.

Light forayers first, to view the ground,
Spurred their fleet coursers loosely round;
Behind, in close array and fast,
  The Kendale archers, all in green,
Obedient to the bugle-blast,
  Advancing from the wood were seen.