Page:The Leather Pushers (1921).pdf/268

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chance of Dolores Brewster herself comin' to California to spend the winter, and she was just broad-minded enough to go up in the air sixty-four miles the first time she seen the Kid and Nada clinched, movie or no movie! So you can see that things was set for a jam, and said jam was had, but it was a twist which had never entered my dome which caused it.

Well, after we have decided to adjourn the mutual admiration society, we trip over to Van Dyke's office for the purposes of havin' the scenario of the Kid's movie read at us. The picture is called "The Knockout," and they is apparently everything in it but the battle of Bunker Hill and the landin' of the Pilgrim family. Action? You tell 'em, camera, I'm overexposed! Van Dyke and his merry men, includin' the composer of the thing, seemed to think it a wow, but Kid Roberts begin waggin' his head after the first few seconds, and his lip begins to curl.

"What's the idea?" butts in the director on the author's readin', speakin' to the Kid. "Don't it hit you?"

"A bit absurd, don't you think?" says the Kid politely. "That—eh—throwing those fellows over the cliff and—"

"Never mind, Kid," pipes up Knockout Burns, with a wink at Nada, "what do you care? It's all fun!"

"All fun!" howls Van Dyke, jumpin' up and glarin' at him. "D'ye know that it's gonna set us back about sixty thousand berries to shoot this? All fun, eh? You try to clown this, you dumb-bell, and—"

"Burns, shut up!" orders Kid Roberts, smilin'. "Pay no attention to him," he goes on, turnin' to the enraged