Page:The Leather Pushers (1921).pdf/271

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Van Dyke snorts.

"He's also got to look like a human bein'!" he answers. Then he turns to us: "Of course you know Young Hamilton?"

"I'm afraid not," says the Kid.

"I think I smacked a guy down in a round at Butte last year by that name," remarks Knockout.

"You never smacked this baby down!" says Van Dyke. "Young Hamilton was amateur heavyweight champ of the Coast for two years—up to last year, in fact—when somebody picked him for a type in a picture and since then he's done pretty well for himself on the different lots. He's just finished a picture with Stella Sweetish and I'm gonna sew him to a contract when he gets through with yours. But the point is Hamilton was never stopped as a amateur, he's always in condition and he can give you a pretty stiff argument for enough footage to make it look good. And this here prize fight has got to look like a fight, get me? Boxin' fans all over the country are gonna flock to see this picture and you and me knows that the rest of the filum will run for the end book—what they're comin' to see is the heavyweight champ action with gloves on in a ring! Unless this fight knocks 'em off their seats right into the aisles, they're gonna laugh me to death, and it won't do you no good either, Kid. Well, I'm gonna drive them cuckoo with this box fight you can bet your left lung on that part of it! Fight scenes is my dish—I made my reputation on 'em and I'm gonna goal 'em with this one. Two weeks after I release this baby, they'll have