Page:The Leather Pushers (1921).pdf/291

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never finished, for Hamilton shot straight out with his bandaged right hand and Knockout Burns sagged a second and then toppled in a heap at my feet!

So that was all settled.

"Roberts," says Hamilton, unsteadily, facin' the cold-eyed Kid, "I—I—was a fool! However, I guess I've paid for it. I—I—lost my head— No, damn it, I'll be square with you! I went in there determined to knock you out and I deserve all I got, but—I have never done anything like this in my life before—never tried to double-cross anyone and—and I feel rotten about it! Will you accept my sincere apology—please?"

The Kid looks him over and grins. "Why of course!" he says, shakin' his hand warmly. "It's forgotten, old boy. I don't blame you in a way—it was a big chance and then there was—" He looks around meanin'ly to where Nada Nice and Van Dyke is in earnest conversation. Van Dyke waves his hand and calls over: "A wonderful picture—wonderful! This thing will make you, Hamilton!" and goes right on talkin' to Nada again.

"By the way," says Hamilton, "I—ah—pardon my curiosity, but what is your real real name? I mean, I know it isn't Kid Roberts; all fighters adopt a ring—"

"I'm Kane Halliday, out of the ring," says the Kid.

"Cain?" hollers Hamilton, in a voice that made everybody look around at us. "By gad, no wonder you licked me!"

"Why?" asks the Kid.