Page:The Leather Pushers (1921).pdf/337

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—" says the reporter, "how long has Senator Brewster been a business partner of your father's, and is it true that the senator—eh—bought your father's seat on the Stock Exchange?"


"What the devil are you talking about?" busts out the Kid, his face gettin' red. "You had better put your questions in less offensive language, young man, or—I say, what's the idea of all this, anyhow?"

The reporter grins and takes a folded newspaper from his pocket and hands it to the Kid. "Of course," he says smoothly, "you know that the Newark 'Evening Yell' is a party organ in this neck of the woods, and, naturally, your—eh—this rather amazing disclosure regarding Senator Brewster that you made to a member of its staff was a wonderful political weapon for them."

But the Kid, glancin' nervously over the newspaper, has suddenly let out a muttered, gaspin' cuss, and spread the paper out so's I could see it. Right smack on page 1 is a headline as big as Chicago:

Says Brewster Backs Wall Street Wizard

Evening Yell Gets Exclusive Story of New York Senator's Connection with J. A. Halliday.

Speculator's Son, "Kid Roberts," Heavyweight
Champion, Admits Facts—To Wed
Senator's Daughter!

Well I just flopped in a chair and watched the room go round and round. So Joan had doubled-crossed us!