Page:The Leather Pushers (1921).pdf/72

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"I only wish we had some kinda links to hock!" I says. "Do you realize we ain't got the price of a rebuilt toothpick?"

Instead of answerin', he hands the little box over to me.

"Look at that," he says. "It represents the end of another illusion!"

I opened it and was nearly struck blind by the diamondst diamond I ever seen in my life.

"Sweet Mamma!" I breathes. "Who give you this, Kid?"

"The young lady we met in the park," he says. "I am now free to pursue my heinous career without any qualms. That—er—was an engagement ring. When I bought that my father was worth a fortune, and I paid eleven hundred dollars for it. I'm glad—in a way—this happened. It was the easiest way out of a thing that would have been a horrible mistake!"

"Well," I says, gazin' at the ring in a trance, "she might of at least—"

"Not a word!" he warns me, holdin' up his hand. "She is a splendid woman—a sweet girl!"

I grabbed for my hat and held up the ring.

"And this here's the sweetest thing she ever done!" I says. "Wait here and we'll eat. I'll try and get five hundred on it!"

I was goin' down in the elevator before he reached the door.