Page:The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great.djvu/74

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LV. Be ðam monnum þe hiora zelondan bebycggað.

LVI. Be gefongenum ðeofum.

LVII. Be ðam ðe hiora gewitnessa beforan biscope âleogað.

LVIII. Be hloðe.

LVIIII. Be herige.

LX. Be þeofslege.

LXI. Be forstolenum flæsce.

LXII. Be cirliscum ðeofe gefongenum.

LXIII. Be cyninges geneate.

LXIIII. Be feorran cumenum men butan wege gemetton.

LXV. Be swa ofslegenes monnes were.

LXVI. Be ðon ðe monnes geneat stalige.

LXVII. Be elðeodies monnes slege.

LXVIII. Be wite ðeowes monnes slege.

LXVIIII. Be ciepe monna fore uppe on londe.

LXX. Be fundenes cildes fostre.

LXXI. Be þon þe mon dearnenga bearn gestriene.

LXXII. Be ðeofes onfenge æt ðiefðe.

LXXIII. Be ðon þe mon sweordes onlæne oðres ðeowe.

LXXIIII. Be ðon þe cierlisc mon flieman feormige.

LXXV. Be ðon ðe mon wif byccge 7 þonne sio gift tostande.

LXXVI. Be wilisces monnes lond hæfene.

LXXVII. Be cyninges horsweale.

LXXVIII. Be monslihte.

LXXVIIII. Be þeof slihte þæt he mote aðe gecyðan.

LXXX. Be ðeofes onfenge 7 hine ðonne forlæte.

LXXXI. Be cirlisces monnes ontygnesse æt ðiefðe.

LXXXII. Be þon ðe ryhtgesamhiwan bearn hæbben 7 þonne se wer gewite. LV. þan G | mannum GH | hira G, heora, o above | zelandan GH, ze above H | bebiczað GH | LVI. zefanzenum GH| þeofe G| G| hyra G, heora, o above H | zewitnesse GH | bisceope G, biscope H| LIX. herze G, hereze, second e above H| LXII. cyrliscum G, cirliescum, e above H| zefanzenum GHĮ LXIII. kyninzes H LXIV. cumenan H| zemettan G, zemet- tum, ze above H | LXV. ofslazenes GH, first e above H'mannes GH | LXVI. þan G, þam H | mannes gestalize, vac. neat G| LXVII. ælþeodizes GH, æ over erasure H| mannes GH LVII. mannes GH ; LXIX. cypmanna G, cypemanna H| före G, fàre H ûp G, upp H| land G, land stryne H | LXXI. dan G, þam H man GH | dearnunza GH | zestriene, second e appar. new G, zestri-ne H| LXXII. þeowes mannes, w over eras., mannes above LVII. þan