is a sad and alarming thing. ... The poor King and his Government made many mistakes within the last two years, and were obstinate and totally blind at the last till flight was inevitable. But for sixteen years he did a great deal to maintain peace, and made France prosperous, which should not be forgotten. . . . Lord Melbourne’s kind heart will grieve to think of the real want the poor King and Queen are in, their dinner-table containing barely enough to eat. And the poor Nemours hardly know which way to turn. If the private property be not restored God only knows what is to become of these distinguished young Princes and their little children. What will be their avenir? It breaks one’s heart to think of it, and the Queen, being so nearly related to them and knowing them all, feels it very much. Surely the poor old King is sufficiently punished for his faults. Lord Beauvale will surely be shocked at the complete ruin of the family. Has he seen or heard from his old friend Madame de Montjoye, who is here with the Queen of the French? The poor dear Queen of the Belgians is quite broken-hearted, but, thank God, Belgium goes on admirably. In Germany also there are everywhere disturbances, but the good Germans are at bottom very loyal. . . .
The state of Paris is very gloomy; the rabble armed—keeping the Government in awe—failures in all directions, and nothing but ruin and misery. This is too gloomy a letter for a birthday, and the Queen must apologise for it. The Prince wishes to be kindly remembered to Lord Melbourne.
The Emperor of Russia to Queen Victoria.
St Petersburg, le 22 Mars/3 Avril 1848.
Madame ma Sœur,—Veuillez me permettre, Madame, d'offrir à votre Majeste mes sincdres felicitations de son heureuse délivrance.[1] Puisse le bon Dieu conserver votre Majesté et toute son auguste famille, c’est mon vceu de tous les jours. Plus que jamais, Madame, au milieu des désastres qui renversent l’ordre social, l’on éprouve le besoin de relier les liens d’amitié que l’on a été heureux de former dans de meilleurs temps; ceux-l& au moins nous restent, car ils sont hors de la portée des hommes, et je suis fier et heureux de ce que votre noble cœur me comprendra. En jettant les yeux sur ce qui se
- ↑ The Princess Louise was born on 18th March.