Several small Islands met with. Landing on Savage Island; ferocity of the natives. Landing at Ananiocka; and incidents there Departure from the Friendly Islands, and arrival at the New Hebrides. Landing at Mallicollo, and intercourse with the inhabitants. Their honesty. Poisonous fish. Attempt to land at Erromango: hostile behaviour of the natives. Arrival at Tanna, and transactions there. Friendly conduct of Paowang, &c. Hostility of others: peace established. Supplies obtained, and ship repaired. The Volcano: hot springs. Dwellings, and plantations of the natives. Geogy, the King. Manners &c. of the people. A man killed by a sentry. Departure from Tanna, and survey of other islands,—Erronan—Annatom—Tierra del Espiritu Santo, discovered by Quiros. Bougainville's Passage. Bay of St. Philip and St. Jago. Notices respecting the inhabitants. Nautical observations.
Captain Cook having taken his departure from Ulietea on the 5th of June, fell in next day with Howe Island, discovered by Wallis; supposed to be the uninhabited island which the people of Ulietea call Mopeha. Another reef island, consisting of numerous islets inclosing a lake, or lagoon, was met with on the 16th. This being a new discovery, was named Palmerston Island. On the 20th, another island was discovered; and some natives being seen on the beach, the Captain put off with a party in two boats, and landed on the shore, which was over-run with woods, bushes, plants, and stones. As they began to enter the woods, some of the islanders came upon them suddenly;