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Page:The Life and Voyages of Captain James Cook (Young).djvu/223

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ous rocks, the Resolution arrived safely at Anamocka, one of the Friendly Islands, on the 26th of June. In approaching the island, a friendly barter of nails for cocoa-nuts and shaddocks, was carried on with the natives of some small isles, which the vessel passed; and before she came to an anchor, the natives came off from all parts, bringing yams and shaddocks, for which they received nails, beads, and old rags. A man attempted to steal the lead and line, and cut the line with a stone; but a discharge of small shot made him return it.

Early on monday morning, the 27th, the Captain and Mr. Gilbert landed in a cove, where water, rather brackish, was obtained from a pond, supposed to be the same at which Tasman was supplied. The natives were very courteous; and for a few nails and beads, assisted in rolling the casks to and from the pond. A friendly trade and intercourse being established, refreshments were procured in plenty; and some parties went into the country, to shoot or to botanize. When they returned, the Surgeon being left behind his party, got a canoe to bring him on board; but just as he was stepping into it, a fellow snatched his gun, and ran off with it. The Captain having forborne to take prompt measures for its recovery, the natives next morning were emboldened to run off with Lieut. Clerke's gun, from the watering place, and part of the cooper's tools. Upon this, the Captain, who landed soon after, resolved to seek redress without delay. Signal guns were fired from the ship, to bring back Mr. Forster and his party from the country; and the marines were ordered to go on shore armed. Before their arrival, Mr. Clerke's gun was restored by the natives,