cook's first voyage.
'Twas not the hand that once appear'd.
Appalling Babel's King;
'Twas not the language to be fear'd.
When death is on the wing;
But to the Briton, doom'd to roam,
A hand stretch'd o'er the seas.
Language that rapt his spirit home,
Like music on the breeze;
The name of Cook that mountain bore.
The date when first he trod the shore.
Appalling Babel's King;
'Twas not the language to be fear'd.
When death is on the wing;
But to the Briton, doom'd to roam,
A hand stretch'd o'er the seas.
Language that rapt his spirit home,
Like music on the breeze;
The name of Cook that mountain bore.
The date when first he trod the shore.
The bold adventurer seem'd to rise
In vision to his sight.
And with a voice as from the skies,
Inspir'd him with delight:—
" An ocean-ranger was my lot,
"With Britain's flag unfurl'd,
"The guide to many a desert spot,
"While sailing round the world
" 'Tis yours to preach,—your Lord display,
"And Baptist-like, prepare his way."
In vision to his sight.
And with a voice as from the skies,
Inspir'd him with delight:—
" An ocean-ranger was my lot,
"With Britain's flag unfurl'd,
"The guide to many a desert spot,
"While sailing round the world
" 'Tis yours to preach,—your Lord display,
"And Baptist-like, prepare his way."
No written words, from Nature's birth.
In Zealand could be shewn.
Till Britons, grasping sea and earth.
Engraved them deep in stone;
And in that language, deeper still.
And brighter far shall shine
Celestial Truth,—Jehovah's will.
In characters divine.
And letters first on granite spread.
Till Nature's exit shall be read.
In Zealand could be shewn.
Till Britons, grasping sea and earth.
Engraved them deep in stone;
And in that language, deeper still.
And brighter far shall shine
Celestial Truth,—Jehovah's will.
In characters divine.
And letters first on granite spread.
Till Nature's exit shall be read.