Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/84

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At the Poona Congress of 1895, when Gokhale was a secretary of the Reception Committee, the ridiculous controversy started by Mr. Tilak, about letting the Social Conference have the use of the Congrss Mandap assumed disproportionate dimensions and Mr. Tilak triumphed momentarily. I do not know what he now (1915) thinks in his heart of hearts of the part, that he played in the matter, though he can, like the skilful advocate that he is, still put a fair complexion on it is necessary.

R. P. Paranjpye

THESE words, coming from the pen of a responsible Moderate leader show to what length party misunderstandings and party misrepresentations can go. To a certain type of people, Mr. Tilak has always appeared as the evil genius of the Congress, creating trouble, fomenting dissensions, recklessly courting Government wrath and leading the nation to the verge of disaster. They sum up Mr. Tilak's contribution to the Congress cause by mentioning the controversies at the Poona Congress and the fiasco at Surat. Only history will show how Mr. Tilak popularised the Congress movement during its infancy, how for that purpose his co-operation was sought, though his person was disliked, how he tried to infuse fresh blood into that body when the original 'firebrands' were degenerating into apathy, how he