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60 The Life of Lord Clive

turned to the Fort; in this Cannonadement we lost 8 Men and the French 22; the next morning at daybreak the 3rd of March we could discover from the Fort that the French had taken Possession of the Garden House but we shortly after discovered something of a much more agreeable nature, which was the sight of Mr. Griffins squadron and as soon as the French had made the same discovery they re- treated a second time to Pondicherry with great precipitation." l

Soon after the repulse of the second attack, Robert Clive received his first commission. The document marks the very outset of a military career, distinguished by a series of suc- cesses that laid great foundations:

John Hinde Esqr, Deputy Governor for All Affairs of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies at Fort St. David, and the Towns of Tevenapatam. and Cuddalore in the Chinie [? Gingee] Country, and the Territories thereto belonging. To all to whom these presents shall come. Greeting.

BY VIRTUE of the Power given to the President of Fort St. George by the Court of Directors for Affairs of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, which power is derived by Charter from our late Sovereign Lord George, and is now devolv'd on me, I do hereby Constitute and Appoint you Robert Clive Gent" Ensign of the Second Company of Foot Soldiers at Fort St. David, giving and Granting you full power and Authority to call together, train, conduct and to Battle lead them according to military and martial Discipline, strictly willing and Commanding all your Inferior Officers and Soldiers to obey you as such, and You Yourself are strictly Enjoyned to obey all Orders You shall receive from me, or the Deputy Governor of this place for the time being, or from any your Superior Officers for the time being.

GIVEN under my hand, and the United Company's Seal this Sixteenth day of March, in the twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of Faith, and in the Year of our Lord one thousand, Seven hundred Forty and six Seal of the Company seven Witness (Sgd) Thomas Cooke Junr Secry. 1 Orme MSS. : India, Vol. I., pp. 108-11. (Sgd) John Hinde.