Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/437

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and that he had that day paid off the last installment. The members then decided that a practical expression of our thankfulness to God could take no better form than in a gift to the Publishing House, so a collection amounting to one thousand four hundred and seventeen pounds (approximately seven thousand dollars) was taken at the meeting, and it was also resolved that the collection at the dedication should be devoted to the same purpose.

Mrs. Eddy sent to this church a letter of sympathetic rejoicing as she was also enabled to do in November of the same year to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Edinburgh, who had announced to her that they were ready to begin their structure in the land of her forefathers.

In the month of November, 1909, the Leader's heart was gladdened by the reassurance of First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City, of its support of the Board of Directors of The Mother Church, Boston. This took place after a patient and thorough examination into methods and practises of certain members of that church which had been complained of for a period of years. The directorate of The Mother Church, after patient remonstrance with the chief offenders of the New York congregation, acted for The Mother Church by removing the names of the persistent offenders from the roster of its membership. It did not interfere, however, with the local government of First Church, New York City, but left that church to the democratic dealing with its own affairs