Eddy, 37; their marriage, 38, 39; goes to Wilmington, N. C., 41; his death, 41
—— Mary Baker, daughter of George W. Glover, 363
Glover, Mrs. Mary Baker, see Mary Baker Eddy
Godfrey, Mrs., healed by Mrs. Eddy, 229
Good Templars, the, Mrs. Eddy’s connection with, 122
Groton, N. H., 60, 61; Mrs. Eddy’s life in, 61-66
Hale, Edward Everett, 310
Hale, John P., nominated for President, 51
Hammond, Edward H., 290
Hanna, Judge Septimus J., editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 295; first reader in the Mother Church, 347
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 4, 25; his “Life of Franklin Pierce,” 51
Herald, the Boston, prints interview supposed to concern Mrs. Eddy, xiv; prints article concerning supposed murder of Spofford, 247; interview with Mrs. Eddy, 353, 354; offers good wishes to the Christian Science Monitor, 376
—— the Newburyport, 243
—— the New York, statement of Dr. West’s printed in, 401, 402
—— the Washington, quoted, 278
Herbert, John, 68
Hering, Hermann S., 359, 363
Herold der Christian Science, Der, established, 372; its mission, 375
Hicks, Elias, leader of the Quakers, 157
Hill, Hon. Isaac, urges Mrs. Eddy to write political articles, 46
Hillsborough, N. H., 21, 32, 50
Hopkins, Mrs. Emma, editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 293, 300; her apostasy, 294, 295
Howard, James C., 269
Human Life, quoted, 102, 224, 225, 240
Huntoon, Mehitable, 19, 20
Illinois Christian Science Institute, the, 301
International Magazine of Christian Science, the, 295
“Ipswich Witchcraft Case,” 240-243
Jarvis, Mary Ann, meeting with Mrs. Eddy, 110
Jeffersonian, the Bangor, on Quimby’s doctrine of health and disease, 86, 87
Jelly, Dr. George F., alienist in the suit in equity, 366
Johnson, William B., 324, 341, 363, 379
Kennedy, Richard, quoted, 185, 186; instructed by Mrs. Eddy, 188; his desire to aid Mrs. Eddy in her work, 193, 194; accompanies her to Lynn, 195; makes arrangements for an office, 195, 196; his unfitness for the work undertaken, 197; his perversion of her teaching, 203-207; George Barry offers to drive him out of Lynn, 245, 246; admonished by George Glover, 321
Kidder, Daniel, instructed by Mrs. Eddy, 65
—— John, 61
—— Mark, 64
Kimball, Edward A., 363
Knapp, Ira O., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 274, 314, 338, 340, 341, 363; editorial commemorating, 380
Ladd, Fred N., 358
Lang, Alfred, 340