Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/470

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Newman, Anna B., 269

Nixon, William G., editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 295; his apostasy, 295; trusteeship, 340

No and Yes, publication of, 315

Noyes, Dr. Rufus K., 277

Ogden, David B., appointed business manager of the Publishing Society, 379

Oliver, George, attracted by Mrs. Eddy’s conversation, 146

—— Mrs. George, see Susan Phillips

Orne, Edward A., 266

Osborne, James W., quoted, 250

Outlook, the London, quoted, 377

Parker, Hon. Hosea W., 366

—— Theodore, 157

Patriot, the Concord, Mrs. Eddy contributes to, 46

Patterson, Dr. Daniel, his personality and character, 58, 59; marriage with Mrs. Eddy, 59; moves to Groton, N. H., 60; difficulties, 65; removes to Rumney, 68, 69; captured by Confederates and sent to Libby Prison, 70; interested in Phineas P. Quimby, 74, 75; liberated, 108; settles in Lynn, Mass., 109; resumes practise of dentistry, 119; his shallowness and vulgarity, 119, 121, 122; his desertion of Mrs. Eddy, 137-139

Patterson, Mary Baker, see Mary Baker Eddy

Pembroke, N. H., 5, 7

People’s Idea of God, publication of, 315

Philbrick, Chase, detective in Spofford conspiracy, 254

Phillips, Dorr, first demonstration of Mind-science made on, 146-148

—— Susan, wife of George Oliver, 146, 195

—— Thomas, befriends Mrs. Eddy, 144

Pierce, Franklin, 4, 6, 21; in a lawsuit with Mark Baker, 24, 25; attracted by Albert Baker, 25; nominated for President, 51; his marriage with Jane Appleton, 51

—— Governor Benjamin, 24; entertains Mark Baker, 25

Pigwacket, Me., see Fryeburg

Pike, Sarah, wife of Thomas Baker, 5

Pillsbury, Luther, 35, 38

—— Ellen, healed by Mrs. Eddy, 173; returns with her to Taunton, 173; her later antipathy toward Mrs. Eddy, 174

Pilot, the, quoted, 305

Pinkham, Hollis C., detective in Spofford conspiracy, 252-258

Palmer House, Chicago, Mrs. Eddy’s stay in, 320, 321

Plunkett, Mary H., her influence on Mrs. Hopkins, 294, 295; her hypocrisy, 322

Poetry, of Mrs. Eddy, quoted, 171

Portland, Me., 74

Potter, Judge, 6

Powers, Mrs. Carol Hoyt, 406

Poyen, Charles, 54, 55; visits Belfast, Me., 83; influence on Quimby, 89

Quimby, George A., 81; his claim concerning his father’s manuscripts, 100-105; author’s interview with, 102; refuses to aid Arens, 296

—— Phineas P., Dr. Patterson interested in, 74, 75; writes Mrs. Eddy, 80; receives visit from her, 81; his early life, 82; becomes interested in mesmerism, 83; performs mesmeric feats, 84; becomes a healer, 85, 86; his doctrine of