Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/473

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Wentworth, Charles, 182, 184

—— Horace, 182, 183; his unfounded allegations against Mrs. Eddy, 186-188

—— Lucy, 182; her devotion to Mrs. Eddy, 184, 185

—— Mrs. Sally, invites Mrs. Eddy to live with her, 182; instructed by her in healing, 182, 183

West, Dr. George L., called as medical examiner upon Mrs. Eddy’s death, 399; his statement, 400-401

Whiting, Mrs. Abbie, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 284, 290

—— Lilian, interview with Mrs. Eddy, 307, 308

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 175; meeting with Mrs. Eddy, 180

Wiggin, Rev. James Henry, indexes and reads proof of 15th edition of Science and Health, 309-312; defense of Christian Science, 311, 312

Wilson, H. Cornell, 357

—— John, 310

Winslow, Charles, 150

—— Mrs. Charles, rejects healing by Mrs. Eddy, 150, 151; visited by Mrs. Eddy, 175

Wright, Wallace W., his connection with Mrs. Eddy’s teaching, 201-203, 207