Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/182

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I told the defendant it was a very good method and better than I had found before of healing sick. I taught him the method. I told him it was through the action of mind upon the body—Don't recollect that I said it would cure all diseases. I didn't limit or unlimit it. I don't know that I meant for him to understand that it will heal everything—I presume I intended him to understand that it was a better method than any other. I don't think I ever told any student that it would heal every disease. I cannot give you an explanation—you have not studied it. The principle is mind operating on the body.

The mind is cause of disease—Through mind scarlet fever and diphtheria are cured—I have found that through the action of mind I could cure, as I have done, apoplexy, paralysis, etc.,—Heart disease, enlargement of heart, consumption are cured by mind I have cured cases of consumption found hopeless by action of mind, blindness, deafness, etc.

The Prisoner of Chillon found that gray hairs are produced through the mind—I haven't tried my system on old age yet.

I didn't promise to teach him bone setting or obstetrics. Nor that I would furnish other manuscripts, nor that I would go with him to find his place, etc. Might have said I would make him a good physician—I taught him the application of hands and water—He told me he hadn't the means to pay me and that if I would take him by installments, he would study—I didn't dismiss him, but he said "I understand enough now to do more than any of your students," that he knew enough now to go right into practice.

I never taught mesmerism. I did teach the laying on of hands—not with power—I did teach manipulation in 'sixty-seven, 'sixty-eight and 'sixty-nine and in 'seventy—I ceased—I can't tell the date—Can't tell if 'seventy, 'seventy-one.

I did teach Mr. Stanley manipulation—that was not my principle, it was my method—My method was metaphysical—I taught it—I don't know for what—it was because I saw a hand helped me—I thought it was a good method—I can't say whether it is a science, I can't say whether a part or the whole of it is a science—if it is practised right it is a science—that part which is effective and heals the sick is a science—I don't know as I can explain it. I do not claim it as a discovery (manipulation), I had known of it always. Can't tell if I knew of this will power before I knew Dr. Quimby—It is not always necessary to know what is the belief.

I should generally require them (my students) to keep the ten commandments—Should require them to be moral.

I can argue to myself that striking my hand upon the table will not produce pain—I don't think I could produce the effect that this knife would not produce a wound, but that I could argue myself out of the pain. I have not