Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/223

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What seems to be the physical world, Mrs. Glover said, is a vision created by "mortal mind," that error or belief in matter which is forever at war with Immortal Mind, and which Mrs. Glover's philosophy denied yet constantly recognised. "Material man," she wrote, "and a world of matter, reverse the science of being and are utterly false; nothing is right about them; their starting point is error, illusion."

The physical forces of nature are likewise illusory. They exist, according to Mrs. Glover, not in fact, but because mortal mind at some time imagined matter and imagined it to contain certain properties. "Vertebrates, articulates, mollusks, and radiates are simply what mind makes them. They are technicalised mortality that will disappear when the radiates of Spirit illumine sense and destroy forever the belief of Life and In telligence in matter." "Repulsion, attraction, cohesion, and power supposed to belong to matter, are constituents of mind." "The so-called destructive forces of matter, and the ferocity of man and beast are animal beliefs."

All this is a part of what Mrs. Glover called the "dream of life in matter." In time, when the world shall have accepted Christian Science, Mrs. Glover believed, all this will be changed: "All this must give place to the spiritualised understanding. . . . Material substance, geological calculations, etc., will be swallowed up in the infinite Spirit that comprehends and evolves all idea, structure, form, colouring, etc., that we now suppose are produced by matter."

In Christian Science, as Mrs. Glover stated it, all human knowledge which, she held, has done so much harm in the world, will be wiped out, and as man proceeds in the Christian Science