Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/246

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over body, and give him a foundation . . . to lean upon, that he may brace himself against old opinions." "The battle lies wholly between minds, and not bodies, to break down the beliefs of personal sense, or pain in matter, and stop its supposed utterances, so that the voice of Soul, the immortality of man, is heard."

As a preventative of disease, Christian Science is equally effective. "You can prevent or cure scrofula, hereditary disease, etc., in just the ratio you expel from mind a belief in the transmission of disease, and destroy its mental images; this will forestall the disease before it takes tangible shape in mind, that forms its corresponding image on the body." "When the first symptoms of disease appear, knowing they gain their ground in mind before they can in body, dismiss the first mental admission that you are sick; dispute sense with science, and if you can annul the false process of law, alias your belief in the case, you will not be cast into prison or confinement." "Speak to disease as one having authority over it." "Not to admit disease, is to conquer it."

One of the signs that the healer's efforts are successful, and that Truth is working against error in the patient is "chemicalisation," which has been previously referred to in this chapter. In healing, chemicalisation first shows itself in a violent aggravation of all the patient's symptoms of disease, but neither the patient nor the healer should be alarmed at this. It is a beneficial process, and during it the error or poisonous thought in the patient's system will be thrown off, and when it is over the patient will be well.

The patient can be treated just as effectively without the