Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/391

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believe nominally in Christian Science, yet several of them . . . are studying medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Boston; and she gave consent for at least one of them to study at this allopathic school. These students I often see, and they say the professors are coming over to their way of belief, which means simply that they hear the trustworthiness of the laws of nature proclaimed. As in her book, and in her class (which I went through), she says, "Call a surgeon in surgical cases."

"What if I find a breech presentation in childbirth?" asked a pupil.

"You will not, if you are in Christian Science," replied Mrs. Eddy.

"But if I do?"

"Then send for the nearest regular practitioner!"

You see, Mrs. Eddy is nobody's fool.