Page:The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy.djvu/411

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ment, or even to be consulted on diseases. "We stand the brunt and burden of Christian Science," they said, "and Mrs. Eddy gets the money and the glory."

On June 6, 1888, the Christian Scientists' Association held a stormy meeting in the old Tremont Temple. At this meeting William B. Johnson was elected secretary of the Association, Charles A. Troupe having refused to hold the office any longer—because, he said, attempts had been made to make him change the records. At this meeting Mrs. Eddy's conduct in regard to Mrs. Corner was severely criticised. Indeed, the discussion became very personal, one of the members rising to state that Mrs. Eddy had been seen in the act of pulling Mr. Frye about by the hair of his head. Mrs. Eddy, who was present, remarked: "There is Calvin Frye. He has a good head of hair; let him speak for himself." Mr. Frye, however, sitting in his usual imperturbable silence, made no reply. Five weeks later he sent out the following explanation in a stylograph letter, dated July 14:

A student and a Free Mason gives out this report of the widow of a Free Mason and his hitherto much honoured Teacher, Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, that in a fit of temper she pulled a handful of hair out of my head.

About two years ago, I was having much to contend with from the attacks of malicious mesmerism, by which the attempt was made to demoralise me and through me to afflict Mrs. Eddy. While under one of these attacks, my mind became almost a total blank. Mrs. Eddy was alone with me at the time, and, calling to me loudly without a response, she saw the necessity for prompt action and lifted my head by the forelock, and called aloud to rouse me from the paralysed state into which I had fallen, this had the desired effect, and I wakened to a sense of where I was, my mind wandering, but I saw the danger from which she had delivered me and which can never be produced again. This malpractice, alias demonology, I have found out, and know that God is my refuge. "When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel